New Web Design Trends: Six Ways to Spice Up Your Website Redesign

Website redesigns or overhauling is done by businesses yearly to keep up with the latest trends and applications made by lots of developers. You have to keep up with the latest trends to catch the interests of the audience. Maintaining or improving the traffic of the website should also be your goal.
However, some webmasters only redesign their websites to keep up with other competing business. Taking a look at other competitor websites is one right way to produce a strategy as of how you could improve the overall design and functionality of your website.
Websites are like a work of art. Webmasters exercise their skills to maximize the design elements, layout styles, and functionalities of the site. But, the main reason why it’s essential to keep your website up-to-date is that it’s a selling tool. Here are six new ways to redesign your website to engage more visitors.
You can get insights from visitors through their personalized user experience with your website. Basing on their personal preferences, you’ll be able to know which parts of your website needs change or improvement.
Further, the personalization process begins at the start of the design phase by conducting trial runs. Doing trial runs help identify the types of visitors that interact with your website once the actual site is up and running.
Once the sitemap for your website is created, personalization will begin to spread throughout the landing pages. Particular audiences and various target markets will see dynamic content and content-specific landing page adaptations.
To stay ahead of the curve, keep in mind that you study how your audience interacts with your website. Also, you have to create various personas to help communicate with users and understand them better.
Voice User Interface
Voice user interface or VUI enables voice interactions with the users in your website. Artificial intelligence and audio are becoming more sophisticated and smarter.
The use of voice user interface in your website will significantly enhance the experience of users as they browse through your site. Also, because of the voice user interface, you’re given more optimized and specific search results. While the AI tools evolve, websites are becoming more approachable as well as conversational.
You have to take this into priority if you’re not including search engine optimization in your website redesign procedure. Although, as a webmaster, you’ll find it challenging to fit and synchronize VUI into your current design.
In addition, you have to keep an eye on the content strategy and SEO factors. Keeping an eye on them will help you identify how voice user interface adapts the old keyword-driven content and pages.
Furthermore, you have to double check the structure of your content, so that it makes logical sense to Googlebot and the audience. If your website is voice engine optimized, you’ll be able to utilize the voice search versus text search and collect insights from phrase queries.
Chatbots and Machine Learning
Making use of chatbots will help provide instant feedback to users as well as fast answers. The best thing about chatbots is their ability to learn from users’ questions, using these questions in the future to improve the results. Given that this kind of process is efficient, it will also provide users a better-personalized experience in the website.
Furthermore, you can use Google Analytics’ event tracking to find out how users interact with the chatbot tool you inserted in your website. You can utilize the user’s data trail to identify and find a solution for drop-offs.
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality or AR, is currently the most interesting and challenging web design trend. Augmented reality allows your business to advertise, and provide consumers the first-person experience of your products and services.
Using augmented reality will help businesses understand how people fit clothing, furniture, and products into their life. Although this kind of trend seems a little ambitious for small established businesses, you can still learn a lot about your audience.
Minimal Interfaces and Card Layouts
Minimal interfaces and card layouts provide a minimalist design to your website, making your site cleaner and easy to use. You can use this advantage to optimize your content for mobile users, which makes your site more user-friendly.
Using card layouts will also allow users to navigate easily through your site since it is a notable style and a great way to show content. By being aware of the content balance and white space in your pages, you’ll allow users to navigate between services without distractions.
Geometry and Illustration
Using geometry and animated iconography in terms of how your pages load will also keep the attention of the audience. Also, using animations will make your website look more lively and personalized.
You aim to provide a more personalized user experience on your website. Further, using geometry and illustration will make the users feel like the pages are responsive. Another way to provide illustration and geometry is through the use of latest GIFs.
You have to grab the opportunity to apply the new web design trends during your website redesign. Through personalization, VUI, chatbots, AR, minimalism, and the like, you’ll be able to create a more personalized user experience in your website.
Your goal is to maintain and improve the traffic of your website, spicing it up with a few new web design trends will help you keep ahead of the curve.