5 Ways to Show Your Support for World Oceans Day

The World Oceans Day is an annual global event that takes place every 8th of June. Originally proposed by Canada’s International Center for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC), World Oceans Day is held every year to raise awareness about the plight of our planet’s oceans while also encouraging everyone to step up local and international ocean conservation efforts.
Moreover, World Oceans Day also gives us an opportunity to appreciate the amazing gifts that our oceans bestow upon us, from the bounty of marine resources that we can consume for our nourishment to how they produce much of the world’s atmospheric oxygen that we need to breathe. All in all, World Oceans Day is quite a significant event, one that we should learn to recognize and celebrate no matter where we are.
That being said, showing support for World Oceans Day shouldn’t just begin and end on June 8, as our oceans are continuously under threat of pollution, ecosystem destruction due to overfishing, climate change, and more. As such, we should show our support for World Oceans Day in ways that can apply all year round, so that we can continuously raise awareness as well as develop habits that should help ease the strain on our seas. Here are some ways to do it:
Promote World Oceans Day through wearable merchandise
One of the most effective ways to engender additional support for this important environmental cause is to have already existing supporters promote it through wearable merchandise. For example, cause-oriented groups can order lapel pins in bulk that are customized to advertise World Oceans Day in a memorable and attractive way. By wearing the message of the cause on their person, supporters will have a tangible talking point by which they can invite others to a conversation about World Oceans Day and the need to step up ocean conservation efforts. Other people will be driven to know more about these subject matters, and hopefully this will encourage them to join the movement as well.
Cut down your consumption of seafood
Fish may be the healthier white meat, and the various edible sea fauna certainly give us a rainbow of tastes and textures to enjoy, but we must realize that overconsumption of seafood can contribute to harming our oceans as well. Moreover, the harvesting of species that are already threatened or endangered, or those that are of particular ecological importance, tend to cause an even greater detriment to the oceans.
To help the seas recover, you may want to try abstaining from seafood for a few weeks or months at a time. It may be difficult, especially if you’ve always been a seafood lover, but this sacrifice will go a long way towards helping the sea’s ecosystems find their equilibrium once more. Furthermore, make sure that the seafood choices you make have low environmental and ecological impacts.
Use plastic bags as sparingly as possible, or avoid them outright
Single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, six-pack rings, and other disposable items, make up a large part of our oceans’ many pollutants. Help reduce their presence in the seven seas by abstaining from using them during your shopping or traveling. Ask for paper bags instead or bring your own reusable one to carry your groceries in. The same goes for plastic straws, utensils, bottles, and cups.
Recycle your single-use plastics as much as possible
If you can’t avoid using single-use plastic items, then it’s better to recycle them rather than toss them into the trash. For example, instead of tossing away the plastic bags that you brought your groceries in, keep them around to use as trash bags, or as waterproof containers for your belongings. Refill your empty plastic water bottles and use them as water containers, or even as emergency stashes of drinking water. You can also reuse plastic utensils so long as they’re properly washed after every use.
Contribute or donate to ocean conservation efforts and NGOs
If you know of any ocean conservation efforts or environmental NGOs that have a focus on healing our planet’s oceans, then do your part and donate to them. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a sizeable donation, as every little bit does help. If you can’t spare the money right now, then you can always donate your time to them by volunteering or helping spread the word through blogging and social media posting. Just remember to make sure that the effort or NGO you’re contributing to is a legitimate one.
Support World Oceans Day for our oceans’ future
Don’t take our oceans for granted. While it may be easy to think that such huge and massive bodies of saltwater may do just fine on their own, and that any effort on your part will not amount to any significance in the long run, the truth of the matter is that every bit of effort that we expend on helping our oceans matter. This is especially true now that we seem to be heading to a breaking point where there is no return. Support World Oceans Day with the ways we’ve listed above, and you’re sure to make a long-lasting and discernible impact when it comes to preserving our oceans and the ecosystems that reside within them.