PEMF Therapy

Life with diabetes is full of challenges. You have to switch to several approaches to treatment. Besides diabetic complications, each treatment also comes with its cons and pros. The disease strongly impacts your physical, mental, and emotional health. According to an estimate, about 10% of the American population is diagnosed as suffering from the condition. The increasing prevalence of the disease emphasizes the need for safe and pain-free methods of treatment to improve the quality of life of the sufferer. This article throws light on how PEMF therapy affects diabetes.

Lessen Your Worries with PEMF 

The struggles of coping with diabetes start with a 180-degree turn on your eating habits. It involves including fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and eliminating carbs and other favorite comfort food from your plate. But the story does not end here. The progression of the disease is highly problematic in terms of diabetic neuropathy, uncontrolled blood sugar, body inflammation, and poor circulation. The bright side of the picture is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is there to add convenience to your life with diabetes.

How does PEMF Help A Diabetic Dude

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the major issues of diabetes that directly hits your nerves in the leg and foot. The problem initiates with pain, numbness in the legs; and later progresses to issues related to the stomach, heart, blood vessels, and urinary tract. When lifestyle modifications become insufficient, radiation therapy is there for the rescue. Not only does the therapy work for improvement in symptoms, but it also treats the basal reasons. This is how it happens.

  •       Pain reduction
  •       Improved blood circulation
  •       Enhance wound healing
  •       Helping in bone healing and arthritis
  •       Liver friendly treatment
  •       Improvement in the functioning of the pancreas

A low-frequency PEMF reduces the pain in nerves, which is mainly due to the false activity of nerve fibers along the myelin sheath (an insulating layer around nerves). Only the one who constantly suffers from pain can tell how blessed a pain-free life is with less dependence on painkillers. Moreover, the application of PEMF comes with a myriad of benefits like improved circulation and stabilized insulin production. Arthritis is another condition that the majority of diabetics suffer from. The problem arises from body inflammation. The efficacy of the therapy lies in its ability to work on a cellular level. An optimal blood flow is crucial in the case of diabetics. Reduced blood flow is the first thing that appears most as diabetes invades your body. Exposing the body to electromagnetic radiation particularly targets this condition. That’s why it is needless to say PEMF understands how your body can perform better.

 PEMF Is the Most Convenient Treatment Approach

After a long history of evolution and modifications, the devices have acquired the most practical and convenient form. Owning suitable and portable equipment is a lifetime health investment that you can benefit from 24/7 everywhere. For instance, consider a Medicrystal heating pad. The equipment comprises many layers of crystal. The natural gemstone lining renders your body the natural healing of components of nature; the sun, earth, light, and magnetism, crystals. The combined goodness of these natural gifts relaxes your muscles and reduces oxidative stress on the whole.


Diabetes is a silent killer. Sometimes the patients fail to acknowledge its presence until it does irreversible damage to their bodies. Even the pre-diabetic phase could be devastating for your future life. Using innovative treatment options like PEMF could be lifesaving. The therapy deals with the prominent consequences of the ailment, including bad circulation, poor wound healing, and arthritis. Sounds unbelievable! Try first and then believe.