Things I Wish I Knew About Type 2 Diabetes

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be pretty scary. In the very beginning, you might have a lot of questions regarding consequences, meal plans, medications, and lifestyle changes.
All you have to know is that you are not alone in this. According to official statistics, more than 10% of American adults are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This number is more likely to grow in the near future due to the popularity of a sedentary lifestyle, poor quality food, and environmental changes.
Once you are aware of your disease and the way to approach it, it’s possible to increase life expectancy by twenty years. You just need to keep it under the radar and follow your doctor’s detailed instructions. That’s what you need to learn right after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes:
It’s possible to reverse your disease
These days, there is no cure for diabetes. On the other hand, it’s possible to reverse it by holding normal blood sugar levels, changing daily diet and working out. According to experts at Neuropathy Help, the symptoms might come back even after remission. To prevent this, you should stick to a low-calorie diet and keep exercising.
You may have a chance to reverse diabetes in case you will have bariatric surgery. During the surgery, a surgeon implements changes into the digestive system. This type of surgery affects hormones in the gut and helps patients to lose some weight.
Some people also try fasting in order to reverse their diabetes. Going without food for a long time is a bit extreme. However, one study proved that fasting is a pretty effective method. After only a few weeks of the experiment, some people could stop taking diabetes medications, including insulin!
There are different meal plans
You doctor may give you only one meal plan for the whole month. There is no need to eat the same food every day. People with diabetes also can eat various tasty dishes. So, don’t limit your options only because your doctor didn’t show you other meal plans.
At this point, there are two options. You can either reach out to dietitian for help or create a healthy-eating plan by yourself.
If you decide to make a plan on your own, make sure your diet includes healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes (peas and beans), fruits, and low-fat dairy products such as cheese and milk.
It’s not your fault
A lot of people with diabetes blame their relatives or themselves for their condition. The truth is that there are a lot of risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Doctors say that even factors such as race, age, and family history can affect the system.
There is no need to blame yourself for your diagnosis. All you need is to take measures to treat your condition as soon as possible. You don’t have time for feeling miserable when there are so many things to do.
You will need to create a support network
You might feel down from time to time due to your diagnosis. That’s why you need to have someone who will motivate you whenever you need it. Ask your friend or family member to join you on your way to the gym or help you cook healthy meals. Explain to them what’s like to be with diabetes. A lot of people don’t know a thing about type 2 diabetes. If they love you and care about you, they should also educate themselves on this topic.
Your treatment plan should be unique
Just because something worked for your friend with diabetes, it doesn’t mean the same thing will work for you. In every case, the treatment plan should be unique. You should make an appointment with your doctor in order to get all the instructions. Don’t self medicate yourself since it can only jeopardize your health.
You can eat sweets
A lot of people believe that patients with type 2 diabetes can’t eat sweets at all. It’s just a myth, though. If you are active enough and hold normal blood sugar levels, feel free to eat that cookie or a piece of chocolate.
The most important thing is to stick to a healthy diet and be active enough. Every healthy meal plan contains moderate amounts of sugar and salt, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Indeed, sweets should not be a major part of your daily nutrition. Try to make it an occasional treat.
No need to be afraid
There are a lot of diabetes-related health problems, including damage to the brain, legs, heart, small blood vessels, etc.
On the other hand, it’s easy to prevent these effects. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Millions of people manage to lead a normal life with this condition, so there is no need to be afraid.