Why Crowdgrowing Marijuana Passes My Legal Test

Back in law school, I had a few professors whom I really admired. One of them taught a mandatory business law class.

On the first day of class, he told us the only thing I can remember verbatim from law school.  He said, “class this is something I live by and you should too. . .  If it smells like **it, then it probably is.’”

I’ve never forgotten this and I live by it to this day.  I’ve taught it to my kids. Use it in my legal dealings and in every aspect of life.

The same rule applies here. If it smells like **it. . . probably is.

The way I see things, a crowdgrower pools their resources with other crowdgrowers.  Like a cross between crowdfunding and the traditional crowd growing vegetables.

Crowdgrower’s contributions go toward licensed cannabis operations. These operations use the contributions to expand facilities, market products, and other business. The cannabis is grown in less expensive, more suitable climates.  Everyone involved benefits from the cultivation and distribution of this cannabis.

Despite the benefits, the cannabis industry is so new and fresh we want to make sure what we do is legal.  Some of us live in places where cannabis remains illegal and we don’t want to break the law.

One such place is my home. Located in the southern region of the United States, lies the State of Georgia. In Georgia, marijuana at the federal and state level is illegal.  When cannabis crowdgrowing platform came into my world I had to wonder if it could pass legal standards.  Is it ok for me to contribute as a crowdgrower to cannabis operations outside the country?

Here’s what I gathered. . .

  1. Cannabis export markets are countries who’ve opened their doors to quality cannabis. The United States is not a cannabis export market now. The U.S. Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C section 959) “outlaws the possession of controlled substances overseas with the intent to import them into the United States.”  A crowdgrowing platform can export to a cannabis export market.  And crowdgrowers can and should take advantage of the opportunity.
  2. Marijuana under both the U.S. law and International law is a controlled substance.  Under the Supremacy Rule of International Law, a nation can make its own laws to govern the people and entities within its borders.  Crowdgrowing platforms should connect crowdgrowers with cultivators and distributors following the laws.
  3. The crowdgrowers, cultivators, distributors, and producers grow, buy and sell all the cannabis. And unless you arrange to visit those operations you’ll never actually touch a cannabis plant. In this sense a crowdgrower and an investor have something in common.

So, does an investor in legal cannabis operations have a problem? No. People invest in cannabis companies all the time because the activity is legal in the place where it occurs.  That extends to crowdgrowing cannabis.

You can contribute money to crowdgrowing so long as the crowdgrowing partners are following the law.

To make sense of it all a general rule of thumb to follow is to look at the legality of the crowdgrowing partners. When the cultivators and distributors follow the laws of their country, crowdgrowing is legal.

For example: A U.S. citizen joins a cannabis crowdgrowing platform. One of the crowdgrowing partners is a licensed cultivator in Columbia. U.S. federal law prohibits giving any monetary contributions to illegal activity. But the crowdgrowing partner, the Columbian cultivator, has a perfectly legit Columbian license. By the rule of sovereignty, the activity in Columbia is not an illegal activity. You can contribute.

As long as cannabis is being grown at a licensed cultivator it seems to pass the smell test.

That brings me to the next point. . . Looking for the best crowdgrowing platform to join.

Find : Recipes For Liquid Marijuana

These three guidelines will help you sniff out the best.

  1. Check out the people running the crowdgrowing platform. Research. Ask questions.  Find out where you can ask questions and get them answered.
  2. Look for crowdgrowing platforms only partnered with licensed cultivators and producers.  The license shows you they’re in compliance with the laws of the country where they operate.
  3. Make sure there’s enough transparency for you to feel satisfied. See if they have a meeting place for their crowdgrowers. It can be online or face to face.

Follow these guidelines. Do the smell test. And you’ll be able to determine the right crowdgrowing platform for you. Learn more about cannabis crowdgrowing today!