5 Simple Ways to Technically Upgrade your Cafe’s Interior

There are over 150 million daily coffee drinkers in the US and 30 million of them are the specialty drinks consumers. To get a piece of that customer pie, your coffee shop needs to be fluent in tech in addition to serving the best espressos, cappuccinos and chai lattes. A good high-tech ambiance will attract and retain customers, boost sales, better in-store design, help you test new marketing ideas, reduce administrative costs, minimize perceived waiting time and much more. Here are 5 simple ways to technically upgrade your cafe’s interior with digital signage.
Nota bene:
any digital signage technical upgrade starts with great DS software. Don’t always opt for the most expensive soft, you might just end up paying for a lot of functions you will never use. Think of what you need to accomplish in your café and look for a company to match your goals. Check out Kitcast digital signage for restaurants and cafes, their soft is unbelievably easy to set up and use, their visuals are gorgeous and Kitcast is one of the few on the market that has software to operate your screens with Apple TV.
Showcase your network speed
It goes without saying that an Absolut must for a modern café that wants to attract and retain customers is a free high-speed Wi-Fi. A good way to let your customers know about it is to set up an easy-to-see screen with a speed meter that will be displaying network speed during your open hours. Look for an Internet provider with good download speed, it is a bit more expensive, though having that network speed arrow pointing to a hundred is well worth it. For example, Amazon has a huge free-of-charge coworking loft set-up in the middle of New York City, it is a beautiful spacious area filled with light with comfortable couches free coffee, candies and popsicles and all that everyone wants to talk about is their off-the-charts internet speed that they proudly display on the screen in the middle of the room. You might have the best coffee in town, but, with bad netspeed, you’ll just be one of those coffee shops with slow internet. Find a good internet provider and showcase your great internet connection anywhere in the shop – you can mount an internet monitor on the wall, place a tablet on your counter or make this very important asset a part of your window display.
Bring your menu boards to life
If you decide against everything else on this list, this one should fall into the category of non-negotiable. Great user-friendly digital signage software with all of the necessary functions and features and beautiful eye-catching templates wil make your pièce de résistance – the digital menu display – pop. There are countless benefits to updating your posters and chalkboard menus to a digital signage screen. For example, you will be able to update your board content within seconds. Any changes to the main menu throughout the day can be displayed then and there. Changing your breakfast menu to a lunch one, eighty-sixing a dish, adding a special, like a green coffee for a St. Patricks’ day or a pumpkin spice latte during Thanksgiving holidays will be a breeze. You can promote your new foods and beverages without spending a dime. You can follow always changing health care regulations by displaying all of the necessary health and nutrition information. Newest menu boards have evolved to the point of entertainment. You can run ads, display your social media feed, stream user-generated content, display weather, run news headlines, and, even interact with your clients. In short, digital menu boards will make the life for you and your employee’s way easier in addition to attracting new clients and boosting sales.
Boost your sales with POP advertisement
Let’s start with some exciting statistics from a last year’s Popspot report on benefits of advertising at the check-out lines: 51% of shoppers said that ads shown at check-out would make them more likely to buy the product than any other ad. A cool 62% said they would be more likely to look for a product advertised at the point of purchase on a future visit. You will have a line at your shop every morning and during the lunchtime – use this opportunity to advertise new menu items, run relevant ads that depend on the time of the day. If you sell merch in your café POS DS is a great way to advertise your branded umbrellas during the rainy days, coffee-mugs and thermos bottles to keep coffee hot in the freezing cold and your own coffee blend in the evening when people stop by on their way home.
Make your window display pop
According to studies, 8 out of 10 customers will come through the doors because digital signage display has piqued their interest. A window is a perfect place to do all of your advertising; you’ll literally have the power to lure people from the street into your shop. Dynamic visuals displayed on the screens that are specifically designed to be seen even when the sun is at its brightest will significantly boost your sales.
Bring on the innovations
For those who have very buzzy, multiple café locations installing a food and beverage ordering digital displays might just be a life-changing idea. A lot of big fast food franchises have already successfully introduced digital signage ordering displays to their customers. People can order and pay for their food on the spot and then pick their order up at the counter. This process significantly saves time, eliminates the need to stand in line, shortens waiting time and frees-up the staff so that they can be reassigned to the food and drink making sections rather than taking orders and payments.