How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back – Customer Retention Tactics from the Best

If you are a dental health care agency owner, who is not ambitious enough to at least double your revenue this year, you are either a hermit or you lack imagination. However, if you are serious about increasing your earnings, this article is just for you!
Most of us would simply love to increase our sales while keeping our website traffic flowing. But the moment we consider increasing the number of market leads, we get worried about added expense. Increasing selling power mostly involves hiring new team members, and that can be really expensive for the most of us who are in the marketing game.
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What if we told you there’s another way? A better way that does not involve hiring additional team members and expanding your marketing budgets? Lucrative, isn’t it? This is called the science of retention. A study conducted by Harvard Business School showed that increasing the customer retention rates by a mere 5 percent correlated to an increase in company profit by 25 percent to 95 percent. Another study conducted by The American Consumer Association showed that the cost of acquiring a new customer is 5 times more than retaining an old customer.
Here are a few methods that have proven to be extremely effective for driving additional revenue while maintaining a loyal customer base for your dental services.
#1. Use your blogs to the fullest extent
There is no better way to engage your customers than to create interesting and conversational blog posts. Monitor and maintain a comment section or a discussion forum linked to the content of your dental website for boosting your website’s dentist SEO marketing. Check out the incredible landing page Unbounce offers. They allow users to create and A/B test landing pages without going through the conventional process. Offer something special to your followers and readers that will keep them coming back to your website. Blogs are exceptional tools to add value to your services beyond the sales value.
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#2. Use personalized emails
This one has been perfected by a number of websites where they tie-up with professional mailing services like MailChimp to send out mass emails to their client/customer contact databases on special occasions. You can take a step further and send your loyal customers e-Cards and gift cards on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and their Birthdays. Targeted emails have the necessary incentive to bring customers back to your business for more.
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#3. Call your customers once in a while
You can always note down the number of all customers who visit you for dental checkups and other procedures. Give them a call after a week or so to check up how they are doing. You can keep aside an hour each weekday to make these calls or get you a personal assistant to speak with your clients. This is a personal touch that boosts customer loyalty and definitely increases customer retention. It gives your post-service care a human touch that will set your business and services aside from the uncountable dental services in your locality.
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#4. Use Twitter and LinkedIn to build trust
Social media websites can be a key factor in establishing customer relationships. Twitter makes it really easy to check up on your customers, and send post-op messages using their Twitter handles. Using timely, trendy hashtags also makes your posts SEO friendly, and your profile gets higher chances of showing up when searched for with the relevant keywords.
Using LinkedIn for social marketing can be very rewarding. You can use this platform to create relevant posts about your salient services, and link client testimonials to your websites for others to see. LinkedIn has a number of client survey and satisfaction tools that allow you to check up on your customers’ satisfaction levels and expectations. This can help improve customer feedback and retention.
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#5. Go back to whitepapers
If you want to build a reliable reputation online, nothing works better than whitepapers. You can turn to sending out whitepapers and eBooks to your loyal customers in the different stages of their journeys. You can send them dental care books, updates about new care and cure procedures at regular intervals to keep them in tune with the dental services your healthcare agency offers.
Sending out reliable information helps your clients and patients to see you in a friendly role that extends beyond dental care and services. This helps you become an expert source of consistent and verified content that your clients can depend on.
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#6. Use analytics and SEO tools for your website
Make sure your website uses analytics tools for studying website traffic patterns. You can use several plug-ins in association with your website engine to give you an accurate estimate of the traffic flow, the peak hours, most popular blogs and most effective campaigns/offers. Do not forget to include verified studies and numbers on your website that will reflect your popularity. People are still a slave to “monkey see, monkey do”, and seeing fellow Facebook and Twitter users trust your services will imbibe a feeling of trust in the potential customers. The right use of web analytics and SEO tools helps your website find a place on the first page of the SRLs.
Replacing clients who are continually leaving your business is neither a healthy way for your business nor a smart way to secure sales. As previous research shows, retaining clients is a much cost effective solution as compared to securing new clients. The smartest way to go about doubling your sales without closing another new deal is to take care of your current clients and make sure they keep coming back for more.
Author Bio: Maria Jones is a dental health expert who has been working with the top dentist SEO marketing experts for the last 8 years. She has helped a number of dental health businesses go online and secure a much larger clientele. Check out her blogs for numerous easy solutions for your day to day social marketing concerns.