Factors That Lead To Hair Fall In Women

Having strong, beautiful hair becomes a top priority for women for the same reason. It will improve their appearance and attractiveness.

You might not be aware of this fact – balding among women is a common phenomenon as in the case of men. In the case of women, it becomes really hard to deal with. When it comes to baldness, there might be plenty of reasons behind it. Speaking of hair fall control, one has to deal with the causes first.

Let’s take a look at the major reasons behind hair loss among women in this article below.

Thyroid and hair loss

When it comes to baldness, thyroid is regarded as one of the most common reasons. You might be familiar with the fact that thyroid controls our digestion. But when the thyroid is not working properly, you will see the signs of it in your body. When you have issues related to thyroid, you may experience symptoms like insomnia, fatigue, obesity, drowsiness, depression, hair loss, anxiety etc.

Experts believe that issues with the thyroid can be a major trigger for excess and sudden hair loss. When it comes to men and women, one has to address the causes first.

Stress and depression

As far as baldness in women is concerned, one has to consider the effect of stress and severe depression. Stress can be the root cause of many of the health problem we all endure. As far as stress is concerned, men and women deal with it in different ways. Women are more prone to the bad effects of stress. Depression is another condition women have to deal with in a frequent manner. Even in the case of male baldness pattern, stress and depression play its part.

Excess stress might induce the following problems:

  • Poor diet
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hair loss

Genes play a big part

When it comes to baldness and hair fall, genes play a big part. Your genes define whether you will suffer from baldness or not. As we all know, your family genes affect your appearance. Same can be said about baldness. If someone in the family has it, then chances are high for you to develop it at some point.

If someone in your family has baldness, it can occur to you as well even if you are a woman. Genes play their part here but one doesn’t need to feel disheartened. All thanks to the growth of science in the 21st century, we are now able to deal with most of these problems. You can go for hair transplant if the problem is severe in your case.

Hormonal changes

As far as hair loss is concerned, hormonal changes can induce severe hair loss. When you have low oestrogen levels in your body, it might affect the testosterone production.