Cheap Things To Do This Summer

Summer is a splendid time for vacations, trips, plans for the future and total life restart. The Internet, TV and street advertising are full of offers to head to distant countries, learn other cultures and enjoy the service of the best hotels. Many people will accept the suggestions and arrive in different parts of the world. They will confirm their tours with a lot of personal photos and a beautiful blooming view pictures. What is about those people, who are compelled to spend the summer months in the economy mode? It is a huge mistake to think that you have no chance to have a wonderful recreation within a solid capital.

Tips for Thrifty Vacation

Experienced travelers share valuable recommendations for those, who do not intend to be broke after summer vacation.

1.Bike traveling

It is a unique opportunity to study the area where you live. It is easier to fulfill this plan if you have your own bike. If not, you can always rent any bicycle you like. It will be interesting for the whole family to use a two-wheeled transport for a one or several days` journey. You can achieve a number of goals, riding a bike for a few days. It would be nice to learn more about your native land before getting acquainted with distant cities or countries. This type of recreation is an economical one. The experience of close communication with your family or friends in an unfamiliar environment will positively affect mutual understanding and mood.

2. Guest tours

Along the whole year postponed the realization of the desire to see relatives or to visit friends from the other cities, didn`t you? Take the advantage over circumstances and use the chance to combine business with pleasure. It is an excellent opportunity to change landscapes, enjoy communication and save on lodging.

3. Visiting festivals

There are various festivals around the country in the summer season. Mostly, the entrance fee is free. There are a lot of treats and entertainments apply there.


A wonderful opportunity to have a fun is to attend the unique Lollapalooza festival, which always takes place during the first weekend in August in the Chicago Grand Park. The organizers promise a great fest party that is a combination of dances, music in various genres, a fair of artisans art and theatrical performances

Northwest Nevada

If you prefer to create, you will like to be a participant of one of the most unique events during the final month of summer – the Burning man festival. For several years the Black Rock desert gathers creative people from all over the planet. Within a week, starting from the last Monday of August to the first Monday of September, people deliberately refuse the habitual way of life and advantages that civilization gives. This is a real chance to become one of the creators of the city of the future. Every participant is allowed to embody his fantasies and dreams of an ideal place for humanity. This is a marvelous possibility not only to have a budget rest but also to get acquainted with extraordinary personalities.

4. Visit the nearest water

Look at the map of your town or country. It is a real surprise for many people that their home region can be rich in rivers, lakes, picturesque waterfalls. Some men forget that they live on the seashore or near the ocean. Do not seat indoors. Walk to the beach, swim, master beach, and water sports, play with children and make picnic arrangements. This entertainment does not require a lot of money. The regularity depends on the personal desire and the weather. For some diversity, you can always change the location. Look for new places and get aesthetic pleasure from the surrounding views.

5. A new hobby

During the summer holiday when a free time niche is formed, you can acquire a new hobby. The majority of people is leaving for vacations, and specialized centers offer great discounts on tuition and hobby classes. Choose something that fundamentally differs from your usual rhythm of life. Do you never make cooking? It is time to discover the workmanship of culinary art. Dreaming of a personal yacht? Take sailing lessons and when the time comes, you will meet your dream fully panoplies.

6. Thematic meetings with friends

Encourage your friends to arrange themed parties in turn. If you are not ready to travel abroad yet, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of different cultures without leaving your home. It is possible to meet with different countries specifics. Use decor, learn more about cuisine, customs and share new information with friends. It is not excluded that these interesting traditions can take regular shape later. For some people it can be a stimulus to learn a foreign language or to be an incentive to visit unknown countries.

 7. Films watching

Everyone has a list of movies or programs, the viewing of which is constantly postponed. It is time to afford this pleasure to oneself. If you are tired of doing it all alone, involve your family, children, and friends. When the weather is good, you may arrange a movie view on a lawn with popcorn, drinks or ice cream.

8. Update stage

A quiet vacation time is suitable for summarizing the period that began in the previous summer season. Perhaps, it is worth updating the CV, because in the last 12 months your competence has significantly increased. Housing needs serious modernization, doesn`t it? Do not proceed and just make plans for the repair time. Study the designers` suggestions, look through the topic information and learn more about the building constructions. A few useful and fresh recommendations will make it interesting and useful to spend the summer without burdening your budget. Be in progress and enjoy every single summer day. It is not always important where the holiday is held. The main thing of everyday living in summer is high-quality refreshment and excellent mood.