6 Steps to Building a Garden with a Pond

Having a garden is a welcome addition to many homes, more so when you really put an effort to make it look nice. Some get the services of landscapers to give it a good design, while some even build a pond in the garden.
While the latter can be done by professionals, if you have the proper tools and you prepare, you can do this on your own. Check out what’s written below for the steps on building a garden with a pond.
Ensure that you have all the tools and equipment you will need
Before beginning the project, make sure that you already have the tools that you will in order to build the pond. If you don’t have them yet, buy the following: shove, trowel, garden hose, pond liner, and some bricks. If you will be putting a pump or aeration into your pond, you might want to check out https://www.livingwateraeration.com for some ideas on what the best products are in the market today.
Choose the type of pond and the size that you want
Once you have the equipment, it’s time to plan your pond. You need to determine which type you want. Is it just going to a water garden? If so, you will need to dig about 18 inches for a water garden. but if you are planning a koi pond, you will need to dig at least 3 feet.
Determine where it will be located
Location is important because you are not just considering where it will look best. If you put it under a tree, when the leaves fall it may affect the pump. Speaking of the pump, you will need a to put the pond near a power source for the pump. If the pond is put under direct sunlight, you will need to think about how it will affect the plants of the fish that you will place in the pond.
Put the pond lining that you have chosen
Once you have dug up the hole, it’s time to put the lining. You can choose to go for a fiberglass mold or a flexible liner. Make sure to put the liner neatly without moving it too much. Spend time making sure it fits properly so that there will be no leakage of the pond as this can cause problems in the future.
Fill the pond with water
Next, get your hose and fill the hole with the water. If you are putting plant life and fish, make sure to put in a pump and a water filter so that any plant or fish life will be able to survive in the pond. Once the hole is filled up, cut away the extra pond lining you have around the area.
Decorate the pond
The final step is to add some finishing touches to your pond. You can put rocks around the perimeter so that the lining will be hidden. You can the plants now and then wait a couple of days to add some fish.