
“Distance Means So Little, When Someone Means So Much”

There are thousands of reasons to terminate a relationship and one strong reason to hold it tightly. If you have that one robust reason, then no miles can actually play a discord in your love relationship. There are multiple ways to stay connected and not feeling any bitterness at all when your significant other is miles away from you in some other land. Here are some useful tips that you can activate in your long distance relationship and take your relationship to a better level of love & compassion.

Send Surprise Gifts Often:

Suppose you are in USA and your bae is in UK – in that case the travel time is 10 hours or more. Therefore, meeting often is not possible and this is the space where you can use the online gift portals perfectly. Send gifts to UK from USA on special days or “just like that” to let your partner know that he/she is special. Seated miles away from you, he/she is also missing you equally. So, be it weekends, amidst the week while juggling mundane tasks, or during special dates – a gift would elevate your romance for sure.

Stick His/ Her Schedule In Your Room:

Well, what’s intended is that – you should know each other’s schedule properly. Class, gym, cooking, office, social gathering, etc. – have clarity in your head about the other person because that will make your phone calls, messages, or video calls better. You don’t have to listen “The number you are calling is currently busy/out of reach/switched off”.

Give Space:

Avoiding things like excessive communication would be good for your relationship surely. Talking 12-14 hours a day leaves less space for your partner and that can have an adverse effect on your beautiful bond. So, give some space and talk at a selected time of the day. Remember that “less is more” if the quality is maintained. So, don’t choke your partner with all the details of the day, work, party, or leisure.

Have Clear Communication Before Long Distance Relationship:

See it is better to be clear today rather than saying a sorry or regretting tomorrow. So, when you or your partner announce the “shift of place”, discuss your relationship right then because clear communication is of utmost importance in long distance relationship. Ask questions like “how committed both of you are?”, “Do you really see a future with me?”, etc. Attempt to find an answer to these questions as fast as you can.

Do Things Together:

On weekends when you really have time to talk more to your partner, why not do certain things together. For example, make a list of movies and watch them together while staying connected via Skype. Share your reactions and reviews for the same. Slot a time when you will take a bath or go to sleep or read a book and in those times your partner should not call or message you. Then help him/her with various food recipes or cook at the same time and that would bring much fun for sure.

Give Surprise Visits To Each Other:

In a long distance relationship, “how much you dedicate yourself” is gauged by various things and “paying surprise visits” is one of them. See your yearly office calendar and mark the holidays so that you can plan your visits earlier. Apart from these planned visits, you can also utilize your weekly offs sometimes merging with a weekday. Your partner would appreciate this act and your relationship would be in a “safe stage”.

Never Lie:

Lying is something that cannot be digested whether you are in a long distance relationship or not. Lying in any relationship lowers the prestige & purity surely. As in a long distance relationship, there is a physical absence, so make sure you don’t hide things at all. Because to hide one thing, you have to build many lies. Talk freely about your state of mind, fear, anxiety, insecurity, jealousy, etc. Remember that, your partner should go to sleep peacefully after having a conversation with you and not stay awake re-thinking this relationship.