How to Improve your Numeracy Skills?

Some industries require numeracy skills to perform well. Maths is essential in most jobs in fields such as engineering, economics, and science.
However, numeracy is essential in roles common across multiple industries, such as finance, accounting, and cashiers, or when working with targets like sales.
Technological advancements have made many aspects of our lives easier to manage. However, these changes have resulted in a greater reliance on understanding and utilising data to complete tasks.
As a result, numeracy skills are more important than ever for finding work and excelling at it.
What are numeracy skills?
Numeracy skills are fundamental mathematical abilities that include comprehending and analysing numerical data to reach appropriate conclusions and decisions. They also can use numerical or mathematical information to express ideas and situations.
Mathematics is a science that plays an important role in the careers of people who work in technology, finance, banking, and engineering – all professions of the future. It has the potential to be both profitable and interesting. But maths is also present in our daily lives – in purchases, vacancy costs, banking interests and taxes, home rents, and so on…
People aren’t bad at maths; many need more time and practice to grasp the concept fully.
Why are numeracy skills so important?
With more and more hiring managers requiring higher numeracy skills, poor numeracy skills can be a barrier to employment. Numeracy tests are even used as part of the interview process in some industries!
Poor numeracy skills make it more stressful to get a job and make it more difficult to keep a job.
For example, one recent trend is the use of data in business. The ability to interpret and communicate it is becoming more common in many industries, including horticulture and agriculture. However, numeracy skills can have an impact on more than just work.
The ability to read maps effectively, work out timetables, and understand and compare utility or loan plans are all factors that may impact your daily life. You must have the numeracy skills necessary to address these challenges to live your best life effectively.
How to improve numeracy skills?
#1. Participate in a game
Taking a break from the computer, a simple deck of playing cards can be an excellent tool for improving numeracy. These can be done at home with friends, family or work during lunch breaks. Not only can card games help your employees overcome their fear of numbers, but the dice game Yahtzee is also a good way to develop maths skills.
Employers can do a lot to promote numeracy within their organisations, formally (by running in-house numeracy programmes) and informally (by sharing suggestions like the ones mentioned above). Nonetheless, it’s critical to tread lightly when bringing up the subject.
#2. Sign up for online training courses
A lot of information is available online, but Khan Academy is a fantastic resource. They offer free instruction and educational materials on various topics, including maths.
You can choose which aspects of maths you want to work on, and they can offer tutorials and workbooks to help you improve your numeracy skills.
This course provides online, and classroom-based training customised to your specific skill set and the areas you need to develop to land your dream job.
#3. Self-help is the best help
With external help, you can start taking small basic steps towards how to improve numeracy skills by yourself with the below-mentioned steps:
Begin slowly
Do not attempt to solve large mathematical problems right away. Begin with the basics, take your time, and gradually progress to increasing the difficulty of the question and your calculation speed.
Learn your multiplication tables
This will make even the most difficult calculations easier for you. It will improve your speed and accuracy.
Consider visualising
Whether you imagine writing out the calculation or counting objects, visualisation makes the process much easier.
Discover new techniques and shortcuts
It is all about speed and precision when it comes to numeracy skills.
Learning new techniques will help you do difficult calculations faster and better.
Omit the calculator
Manually calculate the tip, divide the restaurant bill, total your expenses, manually calculate your budget, or manually calculate grocery bills.
Lastly, increased numeracy skills benefit both organisations and individuals. Organisations with employees who can perform basic calculations, manage budgets efficiently, and evaluate trends and patterns in numbers are more likely to grow both their top and bottom lines.
Similarly, individuals who can use figures effectively and learn mathematical problem-solving skills are more likely to enjoy career advancement, higher pay packages, and greater self-confidence in the workplace. Overall, there are numerous reasons to strengthen numeracy in the workplace and numerous methods for doing so.