9 Ways to Manage Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

TMJ problems are uncomfortable and can affect many aspects of your life. This condition can cause painful moments when chewing, tooth erosion, headaches, and even sleep apnea. There can be several TMJ pain causes, and if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. You may need to see several specialists before a diagnosis can be made.
If you are suffering from TMJ, it’s important to seek professional medical treatment for TMJ relief. Your doctor can recommend an anti-inflammatory drug or a narcotic analgesic for TMJ Cure. You can also try self-care remedies to relieve your pain. Some of these treatments are simple to perform at home. In addition, you should speak with your dentist to ensure you’re getting the proper care.
Having a temporomandibular joint disorder can be an inconvenience to your everyday life, but there are ways you can manage it. Read along to learn more:
1. Physical Therapy
Physical therapy for managing temporomandibular joint disorders can reduce pain and help patients regain normal jaw movement. Although the condition is often associated with headaches, neck pain, and earaches, the cause can be various factors. Physical therapy for managing TMD symptoms can involve a variety of treatments, including massage, soft tissue manipulation, and specific exercises. These may also include stretching the muscles surrounding the jaw, opening and closing the mouth, and performing the proper posture.
2. TENS Treatment
Among the many TMJ dysfunction therapies available for managing temporomandibular joint disorders, one is TENS treatment. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive technique that uses electrical pulses to stimulate muscle contractions. During TENS treatment, electrode pads are placed around the painful areas, such as the neck and jaw. It is generally used with drugs or physical therapy and is believed to provide short-term benefits over a placebo.
3. Meditation techniques
Stress is known to lead to the development of TMJ and aggravate existing problems. Practicing relaxation techniques can give you significant TMJ pain relief, reducing the pain and inflammation associated with TMJ disorders. Meditation is a powerful technique for stress reduction and mental health, and it can also be beneficial for oral health. Meditation has been used for centuries by different cultures. It has been shown to lower stress and anxiety levels, improve autonomic function and stabilize emotional responses to pain.
4. Medications
Medications for temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatments can help alleviate the pain and inflammation in the affected area. However, you should consult your physician before taking any medicines. Muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs are two of the first choices for treating the temporomandibular joint disorder. These medications are used to reduce muscle contractions, which can relieve jaw pain and reduce TMJ inflammation. These medications are usually prescribed for a few days.
5. Tricyclic Antidepressants
Medications are a significant part of TMJ dysfunction therapies. They can relieve symptoms of TMD and help patients cope with the pain. They can also carry side effects, so it is important to consult your physician. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are antidepressant drugs that reduce inflammation and pain in the soft tissues and associated muscles. They are used in low doses to manage TMD pain and symptoms.
6. Moist heat
Using moist heat for managing TMJ disorders is an effective way to relieve jaw pain. It increases blood circulation to the area and relaxes tense muscles. Typically, this therapy is applied after a hot bath. A combination of rest, gentle exercises, and lifestyle changes may also be recommended by a healthcare professional as a part of treatment for TMJ disorder. Ice and moist heat can help relieve TMJ symptoms when used for a limited time. However, if a patient has a chronic condition, it is best to seek medical advice.
7. Cryotherapy
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are a group of conditions that affect the neuromuscular system. They include headaches, muscle tenderness, sounds, and discomfort when opening or closing the mouth. There are various treatment options available to treat TMD, including iontophoresis with medications, heat therapy, and cryotherapy. Each option is considered safe and effective, but they have their contraindications. Whole-body cryotherapy is a non-surgical, non-pharmacological technique that exposes the body to very cold temperatures. It can help with pain after TMJ exercises and improve circulation.
8. Surgery
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, also known as TMJ, is painful and can lead to other complications. They can arise from injury or arthritis. Surgery may not be considered the best TMJ treatment, but it can be an important part. It can help relieve pain and restore a normal range of motion, and may include arthroscopy and eminoplasty. They can also involve removing or manipulating mandibular bones, which can be done to treat ankylosis, acquired deformities, and tumors.
9. Reconstructive surgery
Whether you’ve been experiencing chronic pain or been diagnosed with a TMJ disorder, many options are available to treat the condition and get TMJ pain relief. Some of these treatments include non-surgical therapies and surgical procedures. The goal of corrective jaw surgery is to reposition your upper and lower jaw and improve the way your jaw moves. This can also reduce headaches and breathing issues while sleeping. Patients may need to take a couple of weeks off from work to allow the area to heal.
Key Takeaways
A TMJ specialist may be able to diagnose the disorder, but you should also check with your dentist or family doctor. Your doctor will probably ask you a series of questions about your symptoms. They can determine if your TMJ results from a muscular problem or if it’s due to another medical condition. You can also use TMJ exercises to help manage your condition. You can do one set of these exercises six times a day. Be sure to slowly and carefully perform the activities to avoid worsening the situation.
Dominic Robinson has been writing for the healthcare industry for years to become a legacy guest author. His educational background in the medical sciences provides a solid foundation and credibility to approach many health-related issues. Still, he especially enjoys preparing scientifically-backed pieces on modern-day medical problems.