Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO is nothing new, but it has become increasingly more important in recent years. This is particularly true as more people are starting to conduct product research online before purchasing decisions. Ecommerce SEO services can help you get ahead of your competition by communicating just how well-suited a product is for a certain audience or problem.

Achieving high search engine rankings is also an important part of a successful ecommerce SEO strategy. This will help drive new customers to your site and increase profits and revenue over time. With Ecommerce SEO services, you can focus your efforts on other important aspects of your business and let professionals take care of everything else.

The right Ecommerce SEO services will make sure that your site is optimized with keywords and relevant to the latest trends in product development. For example, suppose you are selling a new brand of watch that uses innovative hybrid technology. In that case, it might be a good idea to create content that discusses how this kind of product development and design has changed over the last ten years. This will help build trust and show your customers that you care about providing them with quality products.

You must start with a focus on your ecommerce customers when optimizing for SEO. This means creating content and product pages that communicate the value of what you are offering so that search engines can quickly understand its importance and relevance.

To get even more specific, it can be helpful to think about how each page should be indexed and what keywords it should be identified with. In addition to providing consumers with useful content, you’ll also want to implement a comprehensive ecommerce SEO strategy that includes on-site optimization, as well as link building, and social media marketing to increase brand visibility.

In this post, you’ll discover some actionable tips that you can experiment with on your ecommerce website to improve your online marketing efforts.

Optimize product pages to rank higher in SERPs

This is the most obvious place to start. Make sure you’re using the right keywords in your title, meta description, and throughout the content that outlines your product’s features and benefits.      

Optimize Shop Landing Pages

Optimizing your shop landing page will help you increase conversions and get more people to sign up for your newsletter or follow you on social media. It is often a good idea to link back to this page from other product pages and include a prominent call-to-action that provides visitors with an incentive for sharing.

Add Schema Markup

Adding schema markup to your site will help Google present it more organized and visually appealing. This can increase user engagement with your page, which is something that search engines take into account and various other signals that are important for ranking pages.

Use Brand Mentions as Backlinks

One easy way to improve the number of brand mentions you get on the web is to create content around your brand is relevant topics. For example, if you are selling watches, it might be helpful to write a blog post called “10 Ways a Watch Can Improve Your Work Day” or some other catchy title. Once this piece of content is created, reach out to people mentioned in it via email and ask them if they will link back to you with a relevant anchor text.

Audit Your Anchor Texts

Once your ecommerce SEO strategy is well underway, it can be helpful to audit the links that currently exist on your site and determine if any of them need to be swapped out for more optimal ones. This might include changing keyword-rich links for more brand-focused ones or vice versa, removing links altogether, and so on.

Add Rich Snippets to Product Listings

One of the most visually appealing elements of Google’s SERPs is rich snippets. These are special bits of code that you can add to product pages to make them stand out in search results. Just make sure that you’re using schema markup, which will identify the various elements of your product page and denote whether or not they are relevant to the current query being made by a Google user.

Add Reviews to Product Pages

Adding reviews is a great way to both improve conversions as well as boost website authority. However, it can be challenging for ecommerce sites to match their competitors when it comes to reviewing quantity since people tend to leave more reviews on sites like Amazon than they do on smaller retailers’ websites – even though these sites might have better products! A good strategy for getting around this problem is to provide incentives for consumers who take time out of their day to leave reviews.

Link to Product Reviews from Shop Landing Pages

Another way to drive traffic to your product reviews page is to link directly to it from your shop landing pages and other pages on your site where relevant. For example, if you are selling a pair of headphones that get rave reviews from technology sites, then be sure to add a link back to that page onto the appropriate product page in order to encourage additional citations of positive third-party reviews.

LinkBack From Entire Category Pages

Add links back from entire category pages to cross-promote related products and increase organic traffic to other parts of your site. This can be helpful since a person often lands on one page from a search but then proceeds to check out additional products in the same category before making a purchase.

Use Product Video

Adding product videos is an excellent way to increase conversion rates and account for some of the most common queries you may rank for in Google. If video content is too expensive or time-consuming right now, consider adding more pictures or screenshots to build up your multimedia library and attract visitors researching specific problems or needing visual guidance before deciding what to purchase.

Add New Products as They Arrive

It’s best practice to add new products to your ecommerce store as soon as they are available in your warehouse since you never know when or where customers might be looking for them. This can seem like a daunting task at first, but some tools make adding hundreds of items at once a breeze. For example, Google Sheets is great for managing large product catalogs and embedding them into pages with minimal effort on your part.

Add Payment Methods to Product Descriptions

If there is a particular payment method that you know people typically prefer when purchasing from your store, be sure to highlight this information on product pages. For example, “We accept PayPal” or “We use Amazon Payments for all of our transactions.”

Allow Customers to Filter by Brand

Allow customers to click on a brand name on your product page and have it filter the results accordingly. Google recently announced that they now include this feature in their search results, so take advantage while you still can! This is beneficial for two reasons: 

(1) It makes browsing through your site much faster for returning visitors and

(2) Because it means that you could theoretically convince competitors’ customers to purchase from you instead if they happen to be looking in the wrong place for a particular brand of product.

Use Product Feeds

Ensure that import feeds with information about your products exist and are regularly updated to form accurate connections between your ecommerce store and Google’s knowledge graph. Without these feeds, your products won’t show up in search results at all.

Create a Shipping FAQ Page

Create dedicated shipping and return policy FAQ page called “Shipping & Return Info” to inform customers about what they can expect if they were to order from you. This will reassure them that they are buying from a reputable retailer instead of a fly-by-night ecommerce site that hides its policies in the fine print of its TOS or lacks any shipping information and returns entirely (red flags for any Google user trying to buy from you).

Following these best practices, you should see an increase in both traffic and revenue coming from Google. Your SEO efforts will also transfer over to other sites running on the same platform, so it’s worth taking care of your ecommerce store as well if you want to see long-term gains in organic rankings.