5 Best Retail POS Systems For Small Businesses

A small business doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be easier to operate. The complexities of running a business can prove to be a very costly affair. Small businesses may have fewer employees and lesser equipment but this can make it extra harder to operate. This gap in manpower and technology can be tackled with a retail POS system.
A POS system will help make the checkout process much faster. They’re also equipped with features that can be used to collect valuable information about the store. It can even be used to monitor the store operations during working hours. For a small business with fewer resources, these features will be a crucial addition to manage the store.
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The Options
You can choose from a range of POS software to make your business more efficient. You should opt for a retail POS system that can provide you with features needed to make your business easier to operate. And with the growing competition in the market, businesses adopt different innovative smart retail technologies for the POS to improve overall business performance.
Here’s a review of five POS systems that are ideal for small businesses.
Alice POS is a retail cloud-based retail point of sale solution designed for multi-stores such as franchises, corporate chains or buying groups but also for single store owners who have the ambition to expand. It is new-generation point-of-sale software that launches merchants into the modern high-tech era.
Alice POS is built to increase revenue and save time for chains and single stores alike. For those in need of multi-store specific features, Alice POS offers inter-store inventory transfers, standardized network pricing, and advanced reports.
Alice POS allows you to sell in-store and on the go. You can also synch in-store sales with online sales, finalize a variety of transactions like sales, rentals, repairs, consignments and trade-ins. You’ll find that managing your inventory, customers and employees is a pleasure and your data will always be protected on highly secured servers.
In short, everything you need to manage in-store and online transactions are available with Alice POS that has one focus in mind: boosting your sales.
Book a free demo with one of our retail experts today: https://alicepos.com/talk-to-an-expert/
Shopify is famous for its ecommerce features and is popular among both online as well as retail store owners. Shopify has a variety of affordable plans that cater to small businesses. The basic Shopify plan costs $29 per month and the Standard plan costs $79 per month.
Shopify can be installed on both iOS and Android devices which means that you can easily use a phone or tablet to oversee your store. The mobile app will sync with the POS-enabled devices at the store letting you check your store’s sales and inventory data from your phone.
Shopify will make it easier for you to keep track of your customers by storing relevant information about them like their name, address, and contact information. You can use this to send notifications on a new product or sale. The sales history of a customer will give you an insight into your customer’s choices.
With Shopify, you can offer store credit to your customers which can be used in place of refunds or to issue rewards. It also has easy-to-use tools that will let you design discount coupons and gift cards. The POS system will automatically reward customers with a certain discount or coupon if they meet the requirements. Such loyalty programs can be hard to design without a POS system.
Square POS:
If your business is just starting or you can’t afford a full-fledged POS system, you can opt for Square POS software. The free version will give you inventory management tools, payment processing, and daily reports and is available on iOS devices. You can add more paid features to the free version and have access to unlimited accounts. This means every employee in your store can use the POS terminal without having to pay extra.
The inventory management tools will let you quickly import all your products to the inventory using a spreadsheet. You can track the inventory from your device or get stock alerts via email.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) feature lets you add customer information in bulk onto a spreadsheet. Square POS can also automatically collect information on customers based on their purchase and prepare customer profiles.
Square POS will prepare daily reports based on sales, customers, and inventory. You can study these reports to find out how well a product is selling and what your customers are interested in.
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This can be used for specialty stores that require a tailor-made POS system. It can be used on iPads and mobiles.
You can customize it to meet the specific needs of your store. The interface can be designed with custom buttons to make it easier for your employees to run the store.
The inventory management tools will let you add a parent item and then prepare sub-groups under it. Product variants based on color, material or other factors can be assigned to these sub-groups.
If you get the paid version, you can track your employees with a unique login code. The clock-in and clock-out feature lets you see how many hours an employee has worked.
This POS software has ecommerce support and runs on Mac, PC, and iOS.
You can use CRM tools to create customer groups, loyalty programs, and a gift card system.
It has offline support and can sync all the sales information once you come back online.
Toast POS:
This POS system is built for the food industry with many restaurant-specific features.
The menu management tools can be used to add food items under specific categories such as breakfast, dinner, and lunch.
You can track the food inventory to know when a particular ingredient is running out of stock.
As the owner of a small business, you need to take advantage of the features that a retail POS system offers. This way, you can manage your store with ease and keep your business operations organized