What You Need to Know About the New Targeted EIDL Advances

What Is a Targeted EIDL?
The targeted EIDL is an image enhancement filter that appears after the image is captured. It improves the edges and fine details of the captured image. The targeted EIDL does this by adding details to the areas that are not “in focus.”
This allows for better and safer auto-focus and auto-tracking capabilities. The targeted EIDL improves vision for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians by providing a clearer view of the road ahead.
How Do Targeted EIDLs Work?
The targeting algorithm is made up of several sub-steps. Because each sub-step is very computationally intensive, it’s recommended to use targeted EIDLs only when the camera has sensor data stored in its memory. This typically happens when the camera is activated for longer than 30 seconds. This is reasonable because drivers, passengers, or pedestrians would benefit from improved tracking and vision capabilities when driving under controlled conditions.
How Compatible Are Targeted EIDLs?
Targeted EIDLs are compatible with API level 24 or above. API level 24 looks for a particular hardware feature in the camera hardware, where the targeted EIDL algorithm is located. The current generation of Ubports devices supports API 24+, so this is an easy requirement.
What Are the Hardware Capabilities Required for Targeted EIDLs?
To support targeted EIDLs, the camera requires a few things:
- CPU/RAM: At least 1GB of fast GPU memory with floating-point operations per second (FLOPS), e.g. Nvidia GTX 970
- Flash: At least 8GB of fast NAND memory Organization can help to ensure that these requirements are available on their devices. They can also send the details at the end of the purchase process.
New Targeted Grant EIDL Advancement
Congress created new provisions under the $900-billion transportation bill under the surface transportation reauthorization grant program. The grant was created in the summer of 2016 and is now available for use. It is designed to help state and local governments develop new technology for transportation. For this grant, Congress requires that states include a safety component when using grant funds.
Through this grant, cities can use grant funding to purchase new camera hardware with advanced capabilities such as targeted EIDLs. But questions concerning these grants are, “will EIDL loans be forgiven if some of the equipment is lost or stolen?” The only way that EIDL loans will be forgiven if electronic devices are lost or stolen is if the hardware was purchased with federal funds. According to Lantern by SoFi, While there isn’t technically EIDL loan forgiveness, there is EIDL Advance forgiveness, and there is a cap on this. You cannot have more than $15,000 forgiven across both the Targeted EIDL Advance and the Supplemental Targeted EIDL Advance. The Targeted EIDL Advance provides up to $10,000 in forgivable funds, and the Supplemental Targeted Advance up to $5,000. The total between the two cannot exceed $15,000.”
This is where Ubports comes in. All of our products are FCC certified and meet all FCC, CE, and RoHS certification standards. So, there are no worries about EIDL loans being forgiven.
What are the Benefits of Using a Targeted EIDL?
1. Improved Auto-tracking and Autofocus
The targeted EIDL improves tracking and auto-focus capabilities by adding details that weren’t “in focus.” By default, the EIDL is set to work on the entire frame, but this can be controlled through the camera’s settings. Targeting can also be switched off entirely.
2. Improved Image Capture Performance
Targeted EIDLs reduce power consumption by at least 10% compared to normal EIDLs, which is especially useful for battery-operated devices. This will improve the battery life of your device.
3. Reduced Memory Footprint
Targeted EIDLs offer better image capture performance with reduced memory consumption. This is a unique benefit, not seen on any other EIDL type. It allows more efficient use of memory on your device.
4. Compatible with Most Camera Models
Targeted EIDLs have been successfully tested with many camera models from different manufacturers. The list of supported camera models is quite long and covers just about every device that can run app-level functions.
5. Better Vision for Drivers and Passengers
The targeted EIDL improves vision by removing the “dead zone” that exists between the edges of an image and the point that is exactly in focus. Through this, drivers and passengers can see much more clearly and at a higher resolution.
As was announced several months ago, the use of targeted EIDLs is now the new standard for EIDLs. This is inspiring news. With these new advancements, the vision for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians will be clearer and more reliable than ever before. These improvements pave the way for self-driving cars to become safe on public roads. As more developers dive into this technology, an ecosystem of apps will emerge with great potential to change how cities get designed and how people live in them.