Tips for Handling Anxiety at Work Place

Generalized anxiety disorder makes it hard to concentrate on your professional pursuits due to constant and exaggerated worry. They include concerns about money, your health, work assignments, and family matters. It might get so bad to the point of having panic attacks while going to work. 

How Anxiety Disorder Affects Your Work-Life Balance 

The effects of workplace anxiety include procrastination, low productivity, fatigue, and forgetfulness. It can also manifest itself somatically in the form of stomach upsets, blood pressure spikes, headaches, and general tension. Excessive focus on these issues and sick days further affects your professional output. It also has a spillover effect on your family. 

How to Manage Anxiety at Work 

The following tips will help you cope with your anxiety disorder: 

  1. Identify the Triggers

The first step in managing anxiety is to figure out the cause. When do you feel it rising? Is it when you start preparing for work, before you get to your workstation, or before starting a new project? Sometimes it’s caused by the thought of or actual interaction with specific colleagues. If you can’t pinpoint the trigger, start taking a keen interest in your daily activities. Keep a journal in which you note the highlights of your day. You can download a journal app for convenience. 

If you consistently do so for a few days or weeks, you’ll start noticing patterns. You’ll know the thoughts or actions that precede or cause your anxiety attacks. It could be a bully at work, a dead-end job, being overworked, among other issues.   

  1. Communicate with Colleagues

Most companies understand the connection between mental well-being and employee productivity. If you’re struggling with workplace anxiety disorder, you can open up to a manager or other colleague you’re comfortable around. Ask for help if you feel like the workload is too heavy. Your supervisor might not be aware that they’re overworking you. Ask for clarifications when you don’t understand the brief. Trying to figure everything on your own not only wastes time but makes you stressed. 

Make a point of interacting with other employees and try to cultivate one-on-one relationships. Doing so is therapeutic because you get to share your experiences with people who’ve probably undergone the same problems. They can give you practical tips on how to deal with specific situations. A dependable support system gives you the mental strength you need to overcome workplace challenges. 

  1. Focus On Mental and Physical Fitness

The benefits of exercise go beyond giving you an admirable physique. Some studies show that it works just as well or better than medication in tackling symptoms associated with an anxiety disorder and depression. It also makes you more alert, reduces fatigue, and improves your overall cognitive functions. If you work out regularly, you’re more likely to sleep soundly and have better moods. 

This natural anti-anxiety remedy releases endorphins that act as painkillers to enhance your well-being. The good news is that you don’t have to perform intense exercises to reap the benefits. The most helpful workouts are aerobic activities such as bike rides, dancing, brisk walks, and jogging. No matter how busy your schedule is, create some time for a well-deserved gym session. Your body and mind will thank you in the long term. 

  1. Take a Break

Your work-related anxiety could stem from creeping burnout. When was the last time you took some leave days or went on vacation? The rise of remote work and fast bandwidth means you can still work even when you shouldn’t. Learn to leave your work at the office and create time for your family and personal hobbies. These activities help you break the monotony and get to work refreshed and raring to go. 

Take little breaks even at work. Instead of eating at your desk, go to lunch with colleagues and savor the meal. You can walk around the office every few hours to clear your head or find a nice quiet place to meditate. 

  1. Make Use of Workplace Resources

Every self-respecting organization cares about its employees’ mental health. Most provide a free and non-judgmental environment where you can talk to a qualified counselor about your anxiety disorder. The benefits for you include a confidence boost and increased productivity. The organization also reduces its employee turnover rate by addressing the issues that frustrate them. 

Your company is also more likely to connect you with community based mental health resources. If you feel like you’re not getting enough support, use the employee feedback system to make requests to that effect.   

Bottom Line 

You don’t have to suffer alone. By following the tips outlined above, your workplace anxiety disorder will drastically reduce or disappear. If you find a system or remedy that works, keep implementing it until you notice positive long term results. Other than making your job more enjoyable, you’ll avoid more debilitating conditions such as depression. Please read our other articles for more helpful tips on managing mental disorders.