5 Things You Should Know About Using A Key Lockbox When Selling Your Home

A key lockbox is a tool used by homeowners who are selling their home. This lockbox is used primarily to store house keys so that agents can access them, open the house, and showcase it to prospective buyers who want to view it. The house keys are hidden inside the lockbox. This box is usually placed at the house front more so on the wall or attached to a door handle and is secured using a security lock.
An agent whom you’ve permitted to showcase your home will be able to open the security lock and access the house keys for purposes of giving interested buyers a tour of your home.
With that said, here are 5 things you should know about using a key lockbox when selling your home:
#1. Set Up An Addendum For Property Access
If an agent will be coming over to your home to give interested buyers a tour of your house, they should only do so with your permission. It is therefore highly advisable that you have a lockbox addendum in place giving the realtor permission to use the key lockbox.
#2. You Need To Be An MLS Member
Most of the modern lockboxes today come fitted with a microprocessor in them which stores information of who accessed it and what time he did. Every agent you’ve given permission to access the lockbox will be registered in the system and you’ll have all the data in place in case something happens to your home.
The security of your home is your first priority and being a member of your local MLS Association will give you the peace of mind that all the realtor activities happening at your house are being tracked and recorded.
#3. Give Good Thought To The Entry Code
The entry code on your lockbox is super important and that’s why you should give a lot of thought to it. The code combination should not be easy for people to guess. Avoid common code combinations such as 0000 or 1234. Avoid creating codes from birthday dates or phone numbers or postal addresses.
It’s important to also keep in mind that this entry code should change every so often. Set a new code combination every new month. Avoid writing this entry code on a piece of paper as it could potentially fall into wrong hands and unwanted guests would end up accessing your home against your consent.
#4. Ensure That The Realtor Accessing Your Home Is Genuine
Woe to you if you entrust your lockbox access code to a con realtor. Before giving that agent access to showcase your home, ensure that you do due diligence and find out if he or she is registered with the regulatory body that governs realtors in your local area. A lockbox is only of good use when accessed by a genuine realtor.
#5. Choose The Best Lockbox
Lockboxes have evolved over time with the advancement in technology. High-end lockboxes are now available in the market. There are digital lockboxes with amazing features where you can use an app to create codes for agents and set time frames for how long these codes are valid.
If your home is up for sale, here are some of the best key lockbox options you can buy and install for more secure access by realtors to your property.