Kickstart Your Day With a Healthy and Tasty Breakfast Food

Ever wondered what a healthy breakfast looks like? Well, we’re here to show you. If you’re a breakfast skipper or simply hate the thought of conjuring up something on the plate, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Eatfit’s breakfast foods are easy to make and don’t require a lot of prep work, specially designed for those who want to whip nutritious goodies up with minimal resources. Plus, they are jam-packed with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and protein content that keep you fired up in the mornings and pumping with energy throughout the rest of the day.
Excited?! What are you waiting for?!
Try out these breakfast food ideas for a nutritious start to your day and make mornings simply brighter!
The Superfood Toast
The superfood toast is a toast that’s topped with nut butter, banana slices, and chia seeds. Packing power in nutrition, it delivers six times more calcium than milk and leaves you feeling fuller for longer. It’s simple to whip up and perfect for those early rush hours.
Berry and Yogurt Smoothie
Kickstart your day by preparing this smoothie overnight in advance. Take some blueberries and bananas and mash them together with milk to make for a delicious early riser’s smoothie. Leave it in the fridge and let it thaw during the afternoon the day before for a delicious dose of goodness early in the morning.
Egg Oatmeal
Transform your oatmeal into a savory punch by topping it with a poached egg that’s layered with a pinch of salt and pepper. Prepare your oatmeal as usual but remember to skip the usual sugar/cinnamon by replacing with salt and pepper. Add a dash of melted cheese on the side and you’ve made your breakfast complete! Delicious!
Egg Muffins
Who doesn’t love muffins for breakfast, especially if it’s egg muffins? Throw in a little spinach, bacon pieces, and let it bake in muffin tins in the oven. These munchkins last all week and can be stored in the refrigerator for later too.
Quinoa Fruit Salad
Mmmmm, mmmm. mmmm! This one will take you for a joyride for sure! Make a salad bowl and spread out a handful of quinoa evenly. Sprinkle some dressing of honey and lime to complete the icing on the top.
Avocado Egg Toasts
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Take a few slices of whole grain toast and top them with avocado and eggs with the sunny sides up. It makes for a wholesome meal that’s packed with protein and perfect for bringing along in Tupperware containers. Try it!
Warm Fruit Bowl
Smile your way to healthy mornings with this delicious fruit bowl that’s made with a blend of berries and chocolate shavings. It’s designed to satisfy your sweet tooth and is absolutely gluten-free. The ultimate dessert for breakfast, or rather, breakfast for desserts!
The trick to a hearty breakfast is mix and match with a little creativity. You don’t need to compromise on nutrition or health with these simple but easy to make breakfast food ideas. Keep those nuts and berries in the fridge, make oatmeals or sandwiches out of them, and whip up smoothies overnight for a delicious meal on the run.
With Eatfit cultfit Your mind and body will thank you for it and it’s much better than munching on empty calories and running on a 30-minute sugar rush that’s accompanied by severe hunger pangs later.