
What You Need To Know Before The Move

Moving out on your own is a rite of passage. Many young adults can’t wait to get out on their own and experience independence. You get to do what you want when you want to. Except that it’s not quite as simple as that.

Being independent means taking care of your living expenses. Many young adults are surprised at just how fast these add up. Here are some questions to consider before drawing up your moving checklist.

Can You Cover All of Your Bills?

Moving expenses are often top of your mind when moving. There’s a lot more to consider, though. What bills must you pay every month? What will you pay for transport, rent, electricity, food, and so on? Create a detailed budget and compare your income to your expenses.

How Much Debt Do You Have?

Now, look at your overall debt. How much of your income do you use to service your debt? If the total is more than 36%, you’re on shaky ground. If your accounts are all maxed out, you should pay them down before leaving. A lower debt to income ratio makes you look better when applying for a lease.

How Will You Furnish Your New Place?

You don’t need a lot of furniture. A bed, a desk, and perhaps some chairs for guests will make a great start. You can’t live like a college student forever, though. Start finding smart ways to decorate your place. Think about where you’ll source your furniture.

The Art Of Managing Money

We’ve all been there. You move out on your own, and you’ve got no parents nagging you about prices. You splurge on those sneakers your parents said were too expensive. You’ll have to eat ramen noodles for the rest of the month, but at least your feet look great.

Then the store offers you a card. Perfect, you can buy even more. You start with those linens for the bedroom, and you make your home look great. The installment’s high, so you have to work overtime. It doesn’t matter, though, because you can pay your gas bill late.

Stop right there. Here’s the most critical lesson in money management – your bills always come first.


It’s good to get into this habit now. If you don’t, in a few years, you’ll find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck and buying groceries on your credit card. Establishing good habits now helps you build a stable financial future.

It’s not fun to stick to a budget, but it’s essential. Budget so that you always pay your bills on time. If you do use a credit card, try to pay off the balance in full every month. Don’t buy on credit unless there’s no other choice.

These behaviors all help to keep your credit score healthy. A good score helps you get better rates on insurance, loans, and so on.

Another good tip is to build an emergency fund. Your fund should be enough to cover at least three months’ worth of expenses.

Moving Isn’t Cheap: Ways to Save For the Move

Moving can be pricey. If you’ve only got a few possessions, you might be able to fit everything into your car. It’s the furniture that’s expensive to move. See if you can get some friends to help you load and unload. Then hire a U-Haul and drive yourself.

If you have no options but to hire a moving company, shop around for the best deal. While you’re at it, check out the different Connecticut electricity suppliers. Which have the best rates? Do any offer no deposit options? Perform the same exercise for all of your utilities.

Shopping around beforehand is one of our top moving tips. Now make sure that you have enough for your first and last month’s rental with these money-saving tips.

Do a significant cleanout a few weeks before the move. If items are in good shape, sell them online, at a swap meet, or a yard sale. Things that are beyond repair go into the trash. Donate items that are useable but not worth selling. The more you get rid of, the better.

Speak to your relatives and friends about furniture. Do they have pieces that they’re willing to donate? It’s also an idea to get up early on trash day and take a drive around the neighborhood. You might find some serviceable pieces that are easy to fix.

Cut back your expenses to the bare minimum. Look for free ways to have fun with your friends so that you can save the maximum amount.

Get this right, and you’ll be hosting your house-warming party in no time.