Causes of Ridges On The Nails

Your fingernails tell a lot about the health condition of any person. One can know the level of stress or other diseases observing the fingernails. The most common change that a person can have on their nails is ridged, and they can be vertical or horizontal. Many clinics are offering the solution to the ridges as well as concealing them while doing the manicures so that one can be perfectly groomed to be out with more confidence.

The Reasons For Ridges

Often ridges are nothing but simple signs of deficiency of vitamins, proteins and other minerals in the body. However, if the ridges are not vertical but horizontal, then they are signs of some deep-rooted disease inside the body and should be attended by a doctor immediately to find out the cause and treat it without delay. Deficiency of vitamin a, B-12, calcium, zinc or iron and protein in the body causes vertical or longitudinal ridges. Longitudinal ridges can split the nails between the topside and the free end. They are almost similar to split hair.

Solving Them

As already discussed, for horizontal ridges, one should always visit a doctor without delay to treat the underlying disease. For vertical ridges, one can take the right supplements and improve the conditions of the nails. A balanced diet full of leafy greens, essential fatty acids and proteins are to be taken daily. You might know that nails are made up of Keratin which is a protein. Therefore, one should have a proper diet to have the Keratins in the body so that the nails grow healthy.

Concealing Them

If one is in a hurry to go to a party and has ridges on the nails, a light buffing is helpful. One should not go for hard buffing as it may damage the Keratin more and give the nails a very soft structure. There are other methods too.

Food That Helps To Get Rid Of The Ridges

With a regular balanced diet, the vertical ridges of the nails can be completely wiped off. Many foods help to stop or delay the ridges on the nails. It should be kept in mind that it is normal to have vertical ridges in the process of aging.

  • Eating onions, oats, cucumber, root vegetables, leafy vegetables are good for the nails as they contain silica.
  • The conditions of the nails depend on the digestion system and eating slippery elm powder before the meals increase the mineral absorption process in the small intestine, and they are reflected in the body.
  • Foods rich in fatty acids, such as nuts, fish, walnuts, avocados and many others should be in the diet chart to treat the nail ridges.
  • One should eat chicken, eggs or meat to get animal proteins. Drinking milk is also useful for treating the ridges.

Taking Supplements

Vitamin supplements are sometimes needed if enough vitamins are not available in the diet. The supplements should include Vitamin B, Biotin, Choline, and Inositol.  The supplements should also have Vitamin A in them. Presence of zinc, calcium, and iron is essential as they help to have a good growth of the nails and protects them from having ridges.

Hiding The Ridges

With a balanced diet and supplements, one can get rid of the vertical ridges. However, for a quick result, one can hide the ridges by buffing the nails lightly and applying two coats of nail polish on them. Make sure to throw away the empty nail polish bottles to avoid the confusion of which one to be used while painting the nails.  Visiting a salon for a session of manicure is always better as the experts can treat the nails and do the needful.  These salons not only use the best quality products but even enquire from the nail polish bottle supplier about the glass that has been used to make them.

Staying Attractive

It is better to maintain the physique including the nails to look beautiful and draw the attention of the crowds. A healthy nail is a sign of good health and mind. One should always maintain them at regular intervals.