
It’s nothing unusual to feel excited over the arrival of a new family member. You and your partner would have been thrilled about your baby and its looks since you got to know about this new chapter of your life.  What (and who) Baby looks like has everyone wondering, from the color of her eyes to the curve of her nose. While you can’t help but make predictions, you never know how your child will turn out. To help you out and get you to stop always thinking about “what will my baby look like”, you could try several different baby face generators. Here are some tips and explanations to help you out:

  • Hair color:

Hair color is determined by the number of gene pairs that each person inherits. Hair color, eye color, and complexion are all determined by these genes. Hair color, as you’ve certainly seen from looking at your own childhood pictures, isn’t always constant throughout time. Even though a kid is born with a head full of black hair, the color of his or her hair might change over time. 

  • Eye color:

The majority of newborns have bluish-grayish eyes. Because the color-producing cells in the iris of the eye require light to activate, this is the case. As a result, a baby’s eye color may take up to six months to stabilize. If both parents have blue eyes, their child is very likely to have blue eyes as well, but this does not always happen. A child with brown eyes is more likely to be born to two brown-eyed parents, but again, this is not a promise.

  • Myths about resemblance:

It’s a common misconception that newborn babies resemble their fathers more than their mothers. According to the theory, evolution favored children that look like their dads at birth since it was a natural method for the father to know the infant was his. Since then, multiple studies have revealed that most infants resemble both parents equally. 

  • If your baby doesn’t look like you:

When their child doesn’t look anything like them, some parents blow it off. When someone thinks your child doesn’t look like you or even questions whether you’re the baby’s nanny, it’s natural to feel offended and unsure of how to answer. “You are correct,” you could remark, “but she has my charming personality.” You might even make a self-deprecating remark like, “Thank goodness he doesn’t look anything like me.” “Yep, I’m still waiting to see how my fifty percent of the DNA shows up,” you could say. The key is to realize that most of the time, individuals are simply trying to make a comparison. If the fact that your child doesn’t look like you worries you, start looking for other similarities between you and your child. 

Excitement about your baby’s arrival and who is he or she going to look like more is obvious, but your baby is a part of you and shares 50 percent of your DNA, regardless of how they look. So don’t be too concerned about the physical characteristics your child inherited.