Looking for So Simple but Efficient Essay Tips? Check These 10 out!

Put yourself in admission officer’s shoes. How many standardized essays will you see in one day? If you think that there will be a couple of mediocre texts and all the rest will be brilliant, then how wrong you are! Surprisingly enough, many students neglect the possibility to improve their chances to get accepted into the college of their dreams. They do not bother themselves with a creative approach to writing or searching for the better ways to profile themselves. On the contrary, they prefer to take the path of least resistance and use tired tropes, threadbare themes, and cliches.
Your essay can stand out from the crowd with some minimal efforts from your side. Here we have gathered top 10 smart tips from Essaymates and admission consultants from Admission-writer.com. Follow them and polish your writing skills to the max!
Tip #1. Have something to say
Lack of knowledge is a neat way to blurry sentences that sound meaningful but deliver nothing. There is nothing worse than milk-and-water text to the teacher! So, if you want to get better marks, then make some research before writing. And do not forget to define the purpose of your writing first, especially if you have a possibility to choose a topic. If your goal is to educate, then choose a topic you have already studied and know it thoroughly. If you want to argue the audience into your point of view, choose the theme you are passionate about. Anyway, in-depth research is a must. It is much easier to write picking some interesting facts from the selection of the related articles instead of grinding out cliché-ridden thoughts, isn’t it?
Tip #2. An outline is a key
Organizing your thoughts is vital. Otherwise, you are at risk of rambling. It is essential to focus on the topic of the paper without waxing eloquent on a subject or jumping from one subject to another. The readers will easily get lost in the wheels within wheels of your thoughts. To avoid that, practiced writers craft an outline or a diagram to organize thoughts. This way helps to see the connections and links between the ideas. Brainstorm the ideas that come to mind when you think about the subject and jot them down. After that, think, what ideas are more important and use them as topic sentences for the body of the text.
Tip #3. Be specific
As they say, the devil is in the details. The more details you give concerning the topic, the more interesting and vivid will be the picture. But do not forget about the no-rumbling rule!
Tip #4. Use simple words
If you think that using long sophisticated words will make your text sound more wise and complex, think again. Long words are appropriate only in case if no other words will do.
Tip #5. Wh- questions
Even the most threadbare themes may show themselves from the unexpected sides. Try to answer the why?, what?, and how? questions and you may reveal some fresh points of view. This method also helps to find the gaps in the research and creates a full picture of the topic.
Tip #6. Do not forget about the thesis statement.
This part of the paper introduces the topic and defines the main purpose of your paper. Consider this part as a quintessence of your text and elaborate on it. The perfect thesis statement should show what are you going to talk about and how you are going to do that. Usually, it is only one sentence, though, it provides a full insight into your work and encourages readers to continue reading.
Tip #7. Use active voice
This is one of the tips that professional writers from the services like topadmissionessay.com prefer to use. Teachers usually give preference to the active voice in the text as well as the readers. The reason is simple, the sentences that are written in an active voice sound more persuasive and strong.
Tip #8. Free writing method
Do you want to become a better writer? Then practice, practice, practice! There is no need to worry, no one expects you to spend hours writing on some dull topics. Just switch on your stream of consciousness and keep writing for at least ten minutes without interruption. Do not bother yourself with editing or structuring the text. All you have to do is to think about the given topic and jot down all ideas that come to mind. You may be surprised, but this method may bring you to the most unusual conclusions or ideas, worth writing about.
Tip #9. Keep everything short
Tend to make the phrases and paragraphs short. The point is, our brain takes in information in small portions better. As a result, such text is much more readable than long-sentenced text.
When it comes to research writing, this rule can be neglected in some way as there the paragraph should cover one idea and may call for many sentences to explore it in detail. Less formal writing, on the contrary, require more uncluttered sentences.
Tip #10. Never ever neglect to edit
Do not hesitate to shorten, delete or rewrite a chapter, sentence or phrase that does not sound perfect. Remember, your draft is just a piece of marble and you, like Michelangelo, have to bar unnecessary pieces away from it. Sometimes it would be better to make a break between the writing and editing process. Thus, you will get a fresh look at the text and catch more mistakes. Do you want to find more spelling mistakes? Try to read the text back to front! And do not entrust editing to the word processors as auto processors tend to miss typos.
Bonus tip!
Do not be afraid to ask professional writing services for the assistance. You can ask experienced editors to proofread your paper or look through the samples of well-written papers to get inspired!