Critical Elements of a Persuasive Essay

Essay writing can be a challenging task for students because of their workload. Sometimes, they try to buy essay from online writing services. Several students try to write their essay, but they may not have confidence in the quality of their work. If you want to write a winning essay, it is essential to pay attention to its elements. Here are some tricks to write a compelling article.
Choose a Topic
Start your work by brainstorming interesting topics depending on the purpose and type of essays. Sometimes, selection of a topic can be complicated, so consult your teacher for assistance. If you already have topics, read them carefully to understand and do your research for writing.
Before you start writing, create an outline for your essay. Divide your topic into small sections to do your research. Write key ideas under each segment. Your essay will contain an introduction, three paragraphs for main ideas and conclusion.
Create a Statement for Thesis
After creating a topic and outline for an essay, you have to start writing. Start by creating a strong thesis statement to explain the purpose of the article. Follow your outline to create an essay. A thesis statement should state the main argument and topic of an essay. The statement should carry general response to problems. A thesis statement should be in the first paragraph.
Introductory Paragraph
After generating a compelling thesis statement, you will start working on the body of the essay. Start this section with an initial passage. Create a fascinating introduction to attract readers to write your essays. Start with one hook, such as choose a shocking revelation, dialogue, story, a topic summary or a quote. Your hook must tie the whole thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs
In this section, you can explain, argue or describe the topic. The primary ideas of the outline become separate paragraphs. Each passage carries the main idea. The passage starts with one introductory sentences with the core idea. Use supporting ideas with relevant examples and information. You have to cite each reference materials utilized in the essay. Direct quotes should be cited with the desired format style.
Concluding Paragraph
This section is essential to increase the importance of the introduction part. In conclusion, you can sum up your thoughts and close up this topic. Try to keep it short, such as 3 to 5 sentences. You can’t introduce new ideas at the conclusion, summarize your previous argument. Make sure to restate a thesis statement and support your point of view.
Edit Your Initial Draft
After completing your first draft, you have to do proofreading and editing. Check the structure of essay to correct the format according to the guidelines of your teacher. Make sure to keep strong points in the first section of your essay.
Read your essay 2 to 3 times to ensure the sentences make sense and paragraphs are smoothly flowing. You can skip some errors while proofreading and editing your article. Ask your friend to proofread your essay before writing its final draft. Moreover, you can get the advantage of professional writing services to proofread and edit your writing piece.