5 Common Causes of Automobile Accidents

It is always to one’s advantage to be ready for road accidents. Even more so, to be ready about legal actions one must take if you or your loved ones are subjected to such unfortunate events. Having a Car Accident Attorney Kansas City trusts is a step towards securing financial aid if said event transpires.
Concurrently, below are common causes of automobile accidents in the continental U.S., and are considered common causes even across most nations around the globe. Know about what they are as you continue to practice driving safely, day in and day out.
1. Driving Without Focus
It is ironic that what tops this list is something that is, in itself, seemingly insignificant. Driving without focus. Distracted driving accounts for close to half a million automobile accidents in the United States alone.
These distractions come from very routine actions. Driving while texting, answering a phone call, browsing through your phone, talking to other passengers in the vehicle, unruly passengers (i.e. children who are not strapped in), etc.
2. Speeding And/Or Running Red Lights
Going against speed limits is not only the sole definition of “speeding”. “Speeding” refers to driving within speeds that are not suitable for general road conditions. Even if you are coasting on the pavement below the speed limit yet are faster than what the current traffic conditions and automobile assemblage allows, that is, without a doubt, considered speeding.
Another is running red lights. Wilfully or not, breaking this basic road safety rule costs lives. Driving takes alertness and focus, and regard (and consideration) for other vehicles on the road. Always check and double-check signs and traffic lights before accelerating and/or driving on.
3. Driving While Drunk And/Or Under The Influence
Driving Under the Influence or DUI is described as operating a vehicle while having consumed alcohol and/or drugs. Alcohol and drugs impact the body’s functions of cognition, judgment, and reaction. They impair your ability to remain centred and able to immediately react to sudden changes in the environment (your surroundings when you are behind the wheel).
DUI has led to over 10,000 crashes year after year. Do take this seriously. If you have consumed alcohol and/or drugs even in the slightest, have trusted family members and/or friends pick you up instead. Save the driving for when you are completely sober.
4. Driving Recklessly
Reckless driving, to put it simply, is driving while disregarding any or all of the guidelines for road and roadside precaution. Speeding, running red lights, distracted driving, and DUI belong under this category. They are recorded separately because of the significant number of accidents linked to them.
“Driving recklessly” also includes tailgating— not leaving enough room for the vehicles in front of and/or behind you. Not using turn signals, or not switching them in a timely manner is a form of reckless driving, too.
5. Weather Conditions
“Weather” is a variable in automobile accidents that is beyond human control. Nevertheless, there are steps you can follow to ensure safety while driving, despite weather changes.
Cold, rainy, and freezing climates frequently sees vehicles skidding off pavements and crashing with other automobiles and/or properties.
In many states, it is virtually impossible to avoid driving in harsh weather conditions. But what can be done is to increase safety measures during these times of the year. Then again, avoiding being behind the wheel and staying indoors in inclement weather is, by far, most recommended.