Solar Energy

Did you know solar energy has an annual growth rate of 59 percent? In the United States, there’s a solar project installation every 100 seconds!

Evidently, solar energy is a fast-growing source of power. But what makes solar energy attractive to consumers?

If you’re considering switching but not yet fully convinced, keep reading. This article fleshes out the various benefits of solar energy.

#1. A Clean Source of Power

For centuries, America has largely relied on fossil fuels to power up its businesses and homes. In fact, 78 percent of the country’s power comes from oil, coal, and natural gas.

These are all fossil fuels, which aren’t environmentally-friendly. The mining, drilling and other processes involved in the extraction and conversion of these fuels to power results in environmental pollution.

On the other hand, solar energy is a clean source of power. It doesn’t emit any greenhouse gases.

So if you’re worried about global warming, switching to solar power will do the environment a lot of good.

#2. Lower Energy Bills

The average American household spends about $111 on electricity every month. Stretch that to year and you’re forking out over $1,300.

What if we told you could bring that bill down to zero?

Well, with solar energy, it’s doable. If you install a solar panel system in your home, for instance, nobody will send you an electric bill! Save for ongoing maintenance costs, monthly energy bills will become a thing of the past.

Sure, the initial investment is high, but with the Solar Investment Tax Credit still active, you can make significant savings.

And even if you hook up your home to a grid-tied solar power system (instead of buying the solar panels), you can still expect lower energy bills.

#3. Renewable

Fossil fuels are finite resources. Experts estimate that we still have 50 years before oil and natural gas run out, and about 115 years before coal is depleted.

The good news?

Solar energy is renewable. The sun will always shine, effectively securing America’s energy future.

#4. Good for the Economy

The solar power industry makes significant contributions to the American economy, generating about $7 billion annually.

As the demand for solar power goes up, manufacturers will need to produce more solar panels and other related equipment, and more solar installation companies will open shop.

So when you decide to switch to solar power, you’re making a contribution to the economy. Your money will help create a new job.

#5. Increases Your Home’s Value

If you’re like most homeowners, you want your property to keep increasing in value.

There’s a couple of measures you can take to achieve this, including making structural upgrades and remodels here and there. Installing a solar power system can also help increase the property’s value.

In case you decide to sell the home, you can expect it to fetch a lot more. Buyers are willing to pay up to $15,000 more for a solar-powered home.

Excited? Find solar contractors in your area and let them install the solar.

#6. Job creation

The growing demand for solar energy is creating new job opportunities in the solar industry.

The solar industry is a rapidly expanding sector that offers a range of jobs in various areas, including installation, design, engineering, sales, marketing, project management, and research and development.

One of the key areas of job creation in the solar industry is solar panel installation.

Solar PV installers are responsible for installing solar panels on residential and commercial buildings. This involves working with electrical and mechanical equipment, climbing ladders, and working at heights.

In addition to installation, solar engineers play a critical role in the design and engineering of solar energy systems.

#7. Low carbon emissions

Did you know that switching to solar energy can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help to combat climate change?

Solar energy systems use photovoltaic (PV) cells to convert sunlight into electricity, which means that they don’t produce any harmful emissions during the energy generation process.

This is a stark contrast to traditional fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, which are major contributors to global carbon emissions and air pollution. In addition to carbon emissions, fossil fuel combustion also produces other air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, which can have negative health impacts on humans and the environment.

#8. Versatility

Solar energy is a highly versatile source of energy that can be used in a variety of ways. Solar energy can be used to generate electricity, provide heating and cooling, and power vehicles, among other applications.

One of the most common uses of solar energy is to generate electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. Solar panels made up of PV cells can be installed on rooftops, buildings, and even on the ground to harness the power of the sun and convert it into electricity. This electricity can be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities.

Solar energy can also be used for heating and cooling purposes through the use of solar thermal systems.

These systems use the sun’s energy to heat water or air, which can then be used for space heating, water heating, and even air conditioning.

#9. Remote power generation

In areas where access to the power grid is limited or non-existent, solar energy systems can be used to provide reliable and sustainable power.

Remote power generation is particularly important in developing countries and rural areas, where many communities lack access to reliable electricity. In these areas, solar energy systems can be used to power homes, schools, and health clinics, providing basic services and improving quality of life.

Additionally, remote power generation through solar energy can also be used in disaster relief situations. When natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes occur, the power grid is often damaged, leaving communities without electricity for days or even weeks. In these situations, solar energy systems can provide a reliable source of power for emergency services, communication devices, and basic needs such as lighting and refrigeration.

Recommended Reading : 

Enjoy the Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar power is good for the environment and can help you spend less on powering your home and businesses. It also boosts economic growth and makes your property more valuable.

To reap these benefits of solar energy, you just need to do one thing: go solar!

While we’re still on this green vibe, here are other green technology developments of the future.