3 Ways Linux Can Help You Become Better in Study

One of the greatest desire of every student is to become better. It is not rare to find students having the goal to have a better school year than the previous ones they had. Usually, students go about various means to help them achieve this, but many of these options prove unhelpful. However, Linux offers a solution to make you study better, and in this article, you will see the ways Linux can help you become better in your study.
Linux has a good number of distributions which are tailored to help you become better at your study. Specialized study Linux distributions allow you to get improvements in your education and achieve your study aims easily. So, whether you aim to have higher scores in your course or have a plan to write an essay using essay samples on Lord of the Flies, Linux can help you achieve this with ease, and make you a lord in your study.
Without any further delay, let’s look into the ways Linux can help you get better in your study!
Cost Effectiveness
Every year, students are faced with getting an operating system that is suitable for their academic and general needs. Windows OS are quite affordable, and Macbooks are generally not budget-friendly, but a Linux is totally free because you only need to build your own computer with Linux or just get a very cheap device that doesn’t have an OS installed on it and just put Linux on it by yourself.
A great advantage of Linux is that it offers you a greatly functional operating system at no cost and with this you can add a great number of educationally-helpful software for free and you will be able to achieve a lot of for your study and become a geek in your own way because you have a full control of what runs on your system at your own pace.
And also, when you spend lesser on buying OSes, software and all, it leaves you with enough money to get books related to your field of study and study better.
Ease of Use
Unlike the use of Windows OSes that have lots of annoying issues, and you have to troubleshoot problems frequently, leading to various delays especially when you have to do something urgently; Linux can help you overcome this.
Every student knows that time is highly valuable, and using this rare asset to fix operating system issues isn’t a very reasonable option. Imagine how effectively you will be able to direct the time you use to fix operating system problems you face when your Linux helps you to work swiftly without hindrances and hiccups.
Customized Distributions for Students
An impressive feature of Linux for students is the numerous apps and distributions that are designed for education to help students at different levels of learning even from primary to secondary and tertiary levels of learning with ease and convenience.
Examples of these distributions include the following:
This is one of the most popular distributions on Linux that is specifically designed to help students in their learning. Edubuntu is simply a Linux distro that that the famous Ubuntu distribution into learning for the use of students.
Edubuntu provides educational software in different bundles depending on the grade level of the student which are easily installable from the Linux Software center. It is especially appealing to students that are taking Science subjects or Mathematics.
If you are perhaps in the university or in high school, the UberStudent is a very useful Linux distro that can be highly beneficial to you. This UberStudent has the advantage of being easy to use with a great organization of its tools for students to enhance their study.
With the UberStudent, there is convenience with finding whatever you are looking for and it even has the Zotero reference manager that you can use for your projects and help you with you referencing, no matter what style you want easily!
Another exciting educational distro on Linux is the openSUSE-Edu that is specifically able to satisfy your requirement if the two distros mentioned above are not able to meet your needs. It is a great educational solution for students and even teachers, IT admins, and parents. Like other Linux distributions, it also comes in different desktop environments.
This distribution is another great fix for IT needs in schools. It has a whole large package of applications that are well above 70 and alternate desktop environments.
Other distros that Linux offers for helping students to study better includes KnowSciences and fedoraEDU.
Without doubt, Linux provides different means to help students study better through its easy to use platforms, and its large varieties of distros that bring ease, personalization, and convenience to learning. So whether it is calculus you wish to study, or you have an essay to write on Lord of the Flies, you can be sure there is a suitable platform on Linux that will allow you to do this most easily.