Top Tips for Surviving A Sinking Yacht

Although yachting is often a fun and luxurious way of living which we would definitely recommend that everyone try out at least once, one cannot escape the reality that there is always a possibility for problems to occur and for worst case scenarios to manifest themselves. So we will give you the top tips for surviving these possible yet unlikely scenarios even in yacht charter.
One crucial aspect to first consider is to pick a yacht builder and service provider that you can rely on. So work with one of the world’s best brokerage companies – Moran Yacht & Ship. In addition, the vast range of available anchorages and topnotch marinas will only add to your yachting experience.
Get Everyone Into a Life Jacket
If you do not already have your life jacket on, make sure that you do immediately, and that it is secure. Then ensure that everyone else does the same. One important aspect which is often overlooked is that it’s important to make sure that you put your jacket on first before you help anyone else. It is also vital to ensure that your boat has enough life jackets and ones that fit appropriately. If there are children on board, be sure that they have properly fitting life jackets.
Learn Where Everything Is
Make sure to explore the ship and become familiar with all the emergency exits and evacuation maps. Find the closest lifeboat to your cabin, and be sure to know where all the life jackets are. When it comes to ocean survival, floating is everything. You may have been able to tread water for hours back in the old swimming pool, but the ocean is much, much colder and rough. You’ll already be fatigued and in a relative state of shock, and the ocean is filled with various forms of dangly leg-eaters.
Find the Leak
If your sinking boat was not caused by a crashing wave, it is most likely due to a leak. In this case, use old towels, seat cushions, or extra clothes aboard in order to plug a leak in the hull. Depending on what kind of boat you have and also which side the leak is on, you can attempt to tilt the hole above the water by moving everything and everyone to the opposite side. This can slow or even prevent any additional flooding.
If you discover a burst hose, check to see if you are able to close the seacock to prevent additional water from flooding the deck.
Equipment: Rescue tape
Engine-cooling hose bursts while underway are relatively common. You can check this by opening the engine-compartment hatch. In this case there will be water spraying all over the engine compartment from a gash in the hose. In this situation, it is extremely useful to have rescue tape aboard. This could used to wrap up the busted hose and ensure that you are back underway at normal speed in no time.
Rescue tape is self-amalgamating silicone which comes with clear backing that you have to peel back as you go. To repair a leak, you have to stretch and wrap the tape over the hose and itself. The tighter you pull the wraps, the better the seal.
Put in a Distress Call
Every boat should be equipped with an emergency VHF radio. They should be a requirement for any safe boater and are relatively inexpensive. When making your distress call it is vital that you speak clearly and slowly. Be sure to announce the name of your vessel along with your coordinance, and along with a description of the emergency. It is a good idea to also give a description of your watercraft. Then wait ten seconds for a reply before repeating your distress.
We hope that our tips and suggestions for surviving a sinking ship have been of use to you. This is because, even though this situation is a worst case scenario, we believe that it is crucial for you to be informed as to the appropriate course of action to take should you be faced with this situation.