Top Features of Modern Home Security Systems

With 3 to 4 million burglaries occurring across the US annually and less than a sixth of these ever being solved by police (due to lack of witnesses and sufficient physical evidence), the need for a modernized home security system should be obvious.
The mere presence of a home security apparatus will discourage potential burglars and even if they manage to break in, the chances are they will be caught. These systems really work – but you need to have all the key features to ensure they work optimally.
There are many home security systems options today. But check out the preceding link to explore and compare the best today’s technology has to offer!
But for a basic rundown of the major features you’ll want to include to prevent residential burglaries, read on.
#1. Wireless Security
While wired home security systems are easy to install in new construction or in homes already undergoing extensive renovation, wireless is much simpler for most situations. A wireless system can be wall-mounted and connected to numerous sensors. You don’t have to rewire your whole house to integrate optimal security.
#2. Central Monitoring Services
Even with wireless systems that are connected to your smartphone, you can’t be expected to monitor your own home 24/7. But a centralized monitoring service can keep an eye on your home 24/7 no problem.
While such service entails a monthly bill, it also saves you on your home insurance premiums with most insurers. And if you get a two-way monitoring service, you can communicate with monitors to tell them when it’s a false alarm. But the key advantage here is that police or firefighters are dispatched quickly – and since burglaries can occur in a matter of minutes, this is crucial.
#3. Three Classes Of Sensors
Sensing danger before it is too late is the whole premise of a home security system. But there are multiple types of sensors that you will want to include.
Sensors attached to your doors, windows, balconies, decks, and all entry points are basic. These set off an alarm before the burglar even gets inside the house. Motion sensors on the home’s interior snag those burglars who are more adept at sneaking past door/window sensors. Many “smart” motion sensors can tell the difference between the movement patterns of a person versus a pet.
Finally, environmental sensors warn against things like smoke, carbon monoxide, high temperatures, high humidity, and other “non-human” threats. Primarily, they protect your home against the danger of fire.
#4. Surveillance Systems
Cameras are, of course, a central component of all home security systems. Noises and tripping of sensors are great, but “getting a visual” of what’s going on is key to discerning the difference between a true and false alarm. Plus, a visual of the crooks on “candid camera” gives you the evidence you need to prosecute them successfully.
You can install cameras inside of clocks and in hard to see locations. But it is also a good idea to have at least one camera out in the open to encourage burglars to flee upon seeing it. Cameras should be installed to cover entry points and rooms where your most valuable possessions are stored.
Keep your home and store safe 24/7 with HD Mask, the military grade surveillance system for your home and storage! This smart system connects your mobile device to its USB camera via WiFi. Designed to be undetectable, it looks and functions exactly like a typical USB charger and allows you to control everything from its powerful app. With a premium HD 1080P motion detection camera, this is definitely the best wireless security camera system you can find on the market at that price.
#5. Additional Features
Aside from basic security components, you may also want to include the ability to control your thermostat from a distance, turn on/off smart appliances, and turn on/off the lights via your smartphone. Why not get the most out of your investment?
These are 5 key areas to insist upon when searching for a new home security system. But as the details of such features vary, and as additional features exist, be sure to comparison shop carefully before making a final decision!