Tips to Improve Your Law Firm’s Website Design

It is now more difficult for law firms to stand out and get more leads, more paying clients, and make more revenue because almost all law firms employ the same marketing strategies.

However, you can do it differently. Your website can be the beacon that draws clients your way. According to a 2019 report by Legal Trends, 57% of consumers preferred looking for a lawyer independently, 17% used search engines, and another 17% visited the law firm’s website.

Potential clients are likely to go online to learn more about the lawyer they’ve been referred to. That’s why having an effective website for lawyers is essential to standing out from the competition. Your website needs to have an effective design to stand out from the others.

Tips for an Effective Website Design for a Law Firm

1. Update Your Lawyers’ Bios

Potential clients want to know more about your law firm. Update the lawyers’ bios frequently, so the clients know what to expect.

Let the clients connect with the attorneys virtually. Put up their photos for the clients to familiarize themselves with them. The idea is to create a positive first impression.

2. Highlight Reviews and Testimonials

Well-presented reviews and thoughtful testimonials give credibility to your law firm. Potential clients can be convinced you are trustworthy and even go ahead to use the contact form.

You can intentionally present the testimonials. Use brand colors and images that best relate to your message. Show off reviews from Google, social media, Yelp, and others.

3. Provide an Option for Live Chat

Consider providing a live chat feature to convert customers who show interest in actual clients. According to the American Marketing Association, customers who use the live chat feature are 3x more likely to purchase.

Live chat allows you to interact with the client, and it’s a chance to convince and convert them into paying clients. It is crucial to demonstrate to clients that you’re always available and ready for business.

4. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Mobile use of the web exceeded desktop and has increased over the years. You will need to design your site to be mobile-friendly by logically organizing your content, ensuring your images will scale to a smaller presentation, etc.

Google also uses mobile-friendliness to rank sites on result pages on any platform. With a mobile-friendly law firm website design, potential clients will find you quickly, even if they prefer a desktop.

5. Get Creative with Your “Contact Us” Button Text

Getting creative with contact form text can grab your site visitor’s attention and lead to more conversions.

Think of creative ways to display the “contact us” text, such as:

  • Begin Inquiry
  • Do I Qualify?
  • Is This for Me?
  • Get Help Today
  • Free Consultation

6. Use Images to Create Impression

Stunning images, along with concise and related messages, creates a long- lasting impression. You can use them to make an appealing and powerful story.

Avoid dull photos and those of low resolution. Consider your site visitor, why they came to your site, and their expectations, then find a suitable image to go along with the message you want to put across.

7. Include Important Pages

Your home page is probably the most important page on your site. Make it as eye-catching as possible but ensure you don’t overload it with information.

There are other essential and irreplaceable pages for a law firm’s website:

  • About
  • Attorneys’ Bios
  • Blog
  • Practice Areas Page
  • Testimonials
  • Contact Us
  • FAQs

Grab Attention with Your Website Design

Your law firm’s website is where a potential client gets acquainted with you virtually before engaging and converting them into paying clients. Its design should attract and keep the visitors on site. They can then learn more about you and perhaps get convinced to engage with you.