Tips to Improve Your Business’s Video Production

Unlike ten years ago, it’s easy now for any business to set up video production themselves rather than hire a professional. While there is value in a professional producer, here are a few tips to get through a video production project yourself, you’ll find the results surprising!
Use Stock Footage
Yes, you’ll pay for the use of the footage, but it can save you a lot of time spent on planning, filming and learning about the proper equipment.
Stock video footage works as a solution for many businesses that can’t afford high-scale video production sequences. Instead, you pay a small royalty to an image back, and in return, you can use a series of stock video clips to build your video. You’re guaranteed top-quality video production and you can find anything to fit your script!
Create a Story
To boost your business’ video production, allow your company history or values to tell a story and set a narrative. With this approach, you’ll also save money because you won’t waste time and effort on producing anything that won’t fit into the finished product. Storyboards and scripts can help give your video a cohesive and “whole” feeling, even if you’re relying on stock footage clips to assemble a video.
Understand Image Positioning
Video production is an art, and art has a few rules, including the provision of thirds. Image positioning can make your video more visually appealing, but it can also hold your viewers’ attention for longer. To improve video production easily, imagine that every frame is split into thirds both vertically and horizontally (creating 9 squares in each frame, three high by three wide).
Your primary subject should always lay on a dividing line. Too far to the right, left, or even dead center in the frame and your subject will get lost in their surroundings. But, pulling your subject into the anchor points will make them stand out. Specifically, the human eye gravitates to the top and left-most anchor point. In other words, we watch videos the same way we read words on a page. Place the important information at the top and left of the screen and let everything else flow naturally.
Avoid Rectangular Rooms
Acoustics can do terrible or amazing things for videos. Even an untrained ear can tell the difference in audio quality between good and bad filming, and the secret isn’t in the price of the microphones and covers. No, to improve video production quality, use nature’s vibration of sound to your advantage.
Rectangular rooms, large parking garages and anything outdoors are bad ideas when it comes to filming videos without high-end sound equipment. To improve the quality easily, film in a room that is either a perfect square or built like an auditorium. Ideally, you want the sound to move away from the speaker and then “wash” back toward them, similar to an ocean tide.