6 Signs Your Septic System is in Trouble

A well-designed septic system should keep your home plumbing flowing smoothly. In fact, most homeowners think little about their septic system as part of their day-to-day concerns. Your septic tank may, quite literally, be an “out of sight, out of mind” part of your home. With your septic tank and most piping being buried underground, it is often difficult to know if there is a problem.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do, and be aware of, that may signal to you that there is a problem in your septic system. Put together by professional plumbers in Dallas, Texas, here are our tips for 6 signs that your septic system is in trouble.
Take note of these signs that your septic tank or pipes could be in trouble.
1. Water is Backing Up In Your Home
If you notice water gurgling in your drains or water coming back up into sinks or bathtubs, you may have a septic system problem. Water backing up in your home could indicate a serious problem, such as:
- Your septic tank being too full
- Your field lines (pipes) are too full
- You have a blocked pipe somewhere
Do what you can to minimize the risks of clogs or further problems. If you have checked for clogs and water is still backing up, it might be time to call a plumber. A certified plumbing company would be happy to assist you in how to proceed with problems concerning your septic system.
2. Spongy Green Grass Near the Septic Tank
It is common to have a dead, indented spot of grass over your septic tank. The soil is not as deep, which means grass becomes more easily dried out. If you notice that the grass around your septic tank is green, spongy, and thriving, it could be a sign of a septic tank problem. This could mean that you have a leak that is causing water to leak around the septic tank, rather than draining properly down the field lines. This wastewater is fertilizing the grass in the area of the leak, but not your entire yard.
3. There are Trees or Shrubs Near the Septic System
Many homeowners plant trees or shrubs near their septic system in order to beautify the area and hide indentations or dry spots of grass. However, the roots of trees and shrubs naturally seek out water sources. Roots growing around the septic tank or pipes could wreak havoc on your septic system. You could experience pipes cracking or breaking, or the septic tank itself cracking open.
4. There are Pools of Water in Your Yard
Rainfall or living close to a floodplain can cause your yard to stay moist or even a bit spongy. But if neither of these apply to you and you notice water pooling in your yard, you may have a plumbing problem. Water pooling in your yard could be a sign that your septic tank isn’t draining as well as it should. You can try giving the system a break – wash less laundry, don’t water the lawn, and take faster showers – and see if your yard dries up. If it doesn’t, you should call a plumber to check your septic system.
5. You Notice a Rotten Egg Smell
If you notice a rotten egg smell in your home or yard, you might be smelling septic gases. This could be a sign of a serious problem. Before panicking about the smell, check to make sure your toilet wax seals are all in place. Also, check your pipes for a clog or a broken dry trap. If all is well but you still have a bad smell, it might be time to call a plumber. A gross, rotten egg smell could be a sign that your septic system is failing.
6. Your Drains are Slower Than Usual
Are your drains draining slower than usual? It could be a sign of a clog in the pipes that flow into your septic tank. You can try a natural product designed for clogs, but avoid heavy chemicals. Chemicals can break down the bacteria and enzymes that help your septic tank break down waste. If your drains are still slow, consider calling a plumber.