Should You or Should You Not Automate Your Business

Don’t we all dream of our businesses topping Forbes magazine? That means it is worth tens of millions of dollars. But you don’t just fall into that money, rather it is a strategic plan you follow. You will need to invest in good customer care and marketing. Also, deliver top-notch products consistently.

Then you cannot only rely on human manpower. You will need to automate your business to withstand competition. Consider looking at industrial robots for sale. See which one can do what and the one you can afford. But again don’t go in debts to buy machinery. The biggest mistake anyone can do is to start a business on debt.

The first few months, you won’t be making profits. Instead people will be getting used to your business. So how will you be able to service your loan? But if you can get a good deal on a loan and you think will grow your business, then it’s worth the risk. Weigh your options and see what can or cannot work for you. Come with me as we delve deeper on whether you should automate your business or not.

Automation Increases Production

Take for instance a robot, it is meant to replace people. It means a robot takes up all the jobs of your employees. Machines need only to be programmed and they will deliver to your expectation. Moreover, they don’t need much supervision, like people. Also, you can adjust their working speed to match your demand. For instance, if it’s high season, they can produce faster. Low season, reduce their speed.

Consistent Results

If you want to be assured of consistently good results, think of robots. If they are maintained well, they will ‘follow’ your instructions to the dot. If you want a certain quality of product, program your machine and you will have it. Machines are not prone to human error of spillage, forgetting and wastage. This in the end saves you thousand dollars and establishes you as an authority.

Take Up Unpleasant Tasks

Do you have employees that complain about their tasks? Do they feel less productive, bored or tired of doing the same task? Then consider collaborative robots. They will do monotonous, dirty and repetitive tasks that people don’t love. Then leave challenging and thought-provoking ones to employees. If a task requires critical thinking or creativity, humans will handle it better.

Reduce Injuries at Work

Collaborative robots are fitted with sensors and cameras to avoid colliding with people. Also, they are lightweight to avoid impact with people. Robots which are much heavier and not meant to work alongside with people will be caged or fenced. Coborts have speed monitoring systems that able it to reduce speed when people are approaching. Round edges and soft surfaces reduce the risks of injuries.

Flexibility and Versatility

A robot can handle different roles along a production line. For instance, they can rotate 360 degrees meaning they can utilize the whole working area. If you are doing production at point A, packaging at B and packing at C, a robot can take up all those roles. Also, it’s able to take up different roles since it can stretch and bend in ways beyond people’s ability.

Robots are Expensive

There is no way around that, buying machines is expensive. You will part with thousands of dollars. The price depends on type, brand and capacity. A bigger robot that takes up a number of roles will be more expensive than a robotic arm with minimal capacity. However, if you can afford it, it’s a worthwhile investment for your business.  After acquiring it, the rest will be just to program it, deploy and redeploy it.


If you want machines to be effective, ensure regular maintenance. Keep checking its joints, if they need oiling or greasing, do it. Otherwise, if it gets damaged badly, repair fees might be high. Keep checking with the manufacturers in case of issues. Also, for such expensive machines, make it a habit to get guarantee when you buy. This puts off repair pressure off you.


Since the advantages outweigh disadvantages, I would advise you to automate your business. Relieve yourself of pressure associated with working with people. Also, increase production due to speed of machines. You know people are unreliable, they will just tender in their resignation or call-in sick which can affect your production. Also machines are not prone to human error hence are more accurate.