Seniors Represent the Fastest Growing Market for Hemp Oil

All their lives baby boomers have known cannabis is a doorway to the destruction of lives. However, science and extensive medical research have proven otherwise. It is said that when used rightly, this cannabis can ensure living a healthier life. With that said, cannabis is now legal for medical use in 34 American states.
Studies have shown that cannabis can help deal with age-related ailments. A lot of senior citizens have divulged the benefits of using Hemp oil as a dietary oil. But before we discuss some of the benefits of this oil and why the senior citizens represent the growth of this oil. The readers must have some preliminary understanding of the hemp oil.
What is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil is extracted from hemp seed oil or CBD Flower plants. However, the chances of intoxication with hemp oil are low. As it only contains approximately less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Oftentimes it is confused with CBD oil. But the production of the 2 is different. While leaves, flowers, and stalks are required in the production of Cannabidiol oil. The hemp oil on the other hand does not possess the same compound as the hemp plants. But the plant still has rich components of fatty acids, nutrients, and other useful bioactive compounds.
Why the Seniors Represent the Fastest Growing Market for Hemp Oil
There’s a reason why senior citizens represent the fastest growing market for hemp oil. And that’s because of the way it tackles age-related ailments such as dementia, neck pain, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and many more. Therefore, we must discuss some of the health benefits of hemp oil to senior citizens.
- Keeps the brain healthy: It’s not a secret that the human brain requires a healthy amount of fat to operate properly. The hemp oil is rich in fatty oil and possesses other compounds that help keep the brain healthy.
A study carried out on mice has proven that hemp oil can protect the brain against inflammation. The study further stressed that the oil contains polyphenols, which also likely play an important role in the protection of the brain. With all that has been said, it’s a surefire when the senior citizen consumes this oil. They would be protected against ailments like dementia, neuropathy, strokes, and many other brain-relations ailments that come with the age.
- It keeps the heart healthy: The hemp oil holds a high level of important fatty acids omega-6 and omega -3 with a ratio of 3:1. A perfect ratio for human health. Studies have proven that this must never reach 4:1. These crucial fatty acids reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and therefore reduce the risk of having heart diseases.
- Serve as an immune system booster: Hemp oil has the essential fatty acid required in the body to synthesize endocannabinoids which are capable of strengthening the immune system. This is a big win for the senior citizens as this would protect them against illness related to old-age related.
- Moisturize the skin and alleviate skin conditions: Hemp oil is easily absorbed by the skin and to a large extent adds to the skin’s barrier function preventing loss of moisture. This makes the oil a perfect choice for skin moisturizer. The antioxidants and essential fatty acids make them ideal for healing and massage.
With all the aforementioned qualities, hemp oil can be used by senior citizens to treat wrinkles, acne, psoriasis, minor abrasions, eczema, dermatitis, itchy skin, and many more. It can also nourish the skin and increases its ability to bacterial infections, and viral fungal.
- Enhances hair growth: Nearly every baby boomer deals with hair loss which results in balding in men. However, with hemp oil senior citizens don’t have to go through the hair loss phase of aging.
The required fatty acid in the oil adds moisture, fosters hair growth, enhances the brittle hair strands, and radiates the hair. When you start using the oil for the hair, it helps the hair grow thicker.
Conclusively, when the oil applies to the scalp it alleviates every scalp related problems such as itchiness, dryness, dandruff, and helps in the treatment of scalp psoriasis.
Deciding on the Right Hemp Oil
With all the benefits of the hemp oil for the senior citizens discussed above. It is apparent why baby boomers have been the fastest growing market for the consumption of this oil. Moreso, to experience all the health benefits we’ve discussed earlier, you must purchase your hemp oil from the right source.
Dr. Ganja specializes in high-quality CBD hemp products that are capable of countering all age-related ailments.