Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring VA Disability Lawyer

Appealing a VA decision is something that can be daunting. The law in this area is complex and strict, and if you have been declined an award you have a lot of work to do. You need to hire a dedicated VA disability lawyer – more on that in a moment – as you will find the legal jargon and the process to be arduous and difficult.

The first mistake to avoid is therefore trying to take on the case yourself. This will leave you with a mountain to climb. Let’s talk a little more about why you need to hire a VA disability lawyer, and how to find the right one for your case.

Why Do I Need a VA Disability Lawyer?

A good example of a reputable VA disability expert can be found and we strongly recommend you make that a starting point for your search. They are a typical of the firms you will find in this very specialist area of the law.

So, why do you need a VA disability lawyer? Quite simply, they are experts in this specific area of law, and know the procedure and what is required in depth. They will be able to use and understand the legal language that is rife in the law.

You, a layperson, may be daunted by the hearing, or by the appeals board that you might have to go before. For the lawyer, this is simply all in a day’s work and very much second nature. In short, they will take the hard work out of your hands and make the entire process more palatable and less stressful for you. 

This is not going to be an easy time, but the lawyer will do all they can to make it as stress-free as possible. There are many lawyers working in the field of VA disability claims, so how do you make sure you choose one who will be right for your case? Let’s talk about that next. 

What to Look for When hiring a VA Disability Lawyer

First and foremost you need a VA disability lawyer who is more than familiar with the VA appeals process and who has handled many cases like yours during their career. Don’t make the mistake of simply finding a lawyer with low rates and hiring them, as this is a quite complex and strict area of law.

They simply must be experts in VA appeals and be able to prove it to you to give you peace of mind. You’ll also need to find a lawyer that you get on with and can work with, as this may be a lengthy process that you are getting involved with. The more experience with cases such as yours, the better the choice of VA disability lawyer will be.

So, to recap, it’s not about how affordable the lawyer is, but about how experienced and successful they have been in past VA disability claims and appeals cases. Perhaps ask around other veterans who have used the services of one, and who comes recommended. 

How to Get the Best Chance of Success with your Appeal

The fact is that success with your case is far from guaranteed, but hiring a good VA disability lawyer stands you a far better choice than if you were to try and take on the case by yourself. Start searching now – you have a link to a reputable firm above – and check out some VA lawyers until you find the one you feel most comfortable with, and good luck with your appeal.