memory foam vs latex foam mattress

The most important thing that reflects your sleep is the mattress you use. Whenever we go shopping for mattress there are several questions in our mind whether the mattress is durable, flexible, comfortable or dense. Good sleep at night is important for all be it a kid or an adult. Everyone needs proper sleep after doing things all day. Any disturbance in that may cause serious issues to your health. It is always advised by a good doctor to have good sleep that everyone should follow.

There are a lot of options available while choosing the mattresses. There are many manufacturers who deal with different types of mattresses. However, you need to research and find the best mattress that suits you. Always give preference to the quality of the mattresses rather than running behind money.

If you find them expensive at the stores the best option for you is to navigate through the websites. You will find many exciting deals that will make your day. Apart from the manufacturer’s warranty, you can get replacement offers if you don’t like the mattresses. You should have good knowledge about what you are going to buy because a bad decision can ruin your priceless sleep. For more information, you should visit  Navigating through the website will give you complete information about the mattress ideal for you.

Latex Mattress vs Memory Foam Mattress

  • Latex mattresses were available in the 1950s. These are considered as the healthiest mattresses because it was derived from the natural substance called latex. The memory foam mattress was available in the 90s and was specially designed for the NASA airplane seats. These mattresses are manufactured from the polyurethane foam with blowing agent and fire retarding agents. These ingredients turn into a liquid which is cooled down to transform the liquid into foam.
  • The latex mattresses being manufactured from the natural sources are very expensive to buy. If you are planning to buy the latex mattress then you definitely have to pay a very high price. The natural resources are expensive to buy as in turn the memory foam mattresses are not that expensive like the latex mattresses. You can buy the memory foam mattress within your budget. You can even find great deals if you purchase online.
  • The major benefit of the latex mattress is that the heat is not a major issue with these mattresses. The latex mattresses adjust the temperature accordingly with the body. You don’t have to ruin your sleep for that. Although it is recorded that it produces more heat than the spring mattresses. If you cannot resist heat at night then memory foam mattress would not work. The heat emission is a major issue in the memory foam mattresses.
  • In mattresses like the latex mattresses, there is no problem of off-gassing. Off-gassing is not such a major issue except for those who have respiratory issues. The latex mattresses are manufactured from natural products so there is no smell when the mattress is new. The memory foam is made from polyurethane, blowing agents and fire retardants. It contains formaldehyde as VOCs so there is a problem of off-gassing until the package is not opened.
  • The latex mattresses are being processed from the natural sources latex that is rubber of a tree. The durability of the latex is more than the memory foam mattresses. Memory foam mattresses have a maximum durability of 20 years. The latex mattresses are firmer but don’t give the feeling of plush foam than Memory foam mattress.

It is advised that you should navigate through the online websites to get the best deals and save some bucks for you.