7 Items RV and Boat Owners Are Buying

Now that RV shows are in full swing, RV owners are checking out the latest RV accessories to find just the right items for their RV. And a surprising amount of RV owners also happen to own a boat! Here are 10 of the most popular new RV and Boat Accessories being bought by RV and Boat Owners this year. And if you’re looking for the best father’s day gifts for boat & rv owners, you’re in luck!
1) RV Toilet Paper Holder
A new RV toilet paper holder is a great RV accessory that RVers are enjoying more and more this year – minus the cheap suction cup that was previously used to hold it in place. RV owners can get creative with where they put this new toilet paper holder, but it’s generally placed on the wall
2) Marine Radio with Bluetooth technology:
RV and Boat Owners are updating their RV or Boat’s original stereo system with a Marine Radio with Bluetooth. A great companion to RV and Boat Interiors, RV and Boat owners can stream tunes from an iPhone, iPod Touch or Android device right into the speakers of the RV or Boat while they drive or cruise.
3) Reclinable RV Bucket Seats
RV and Boat Owners are reclining their RV or Boat bucket seats to make them more comfortable at the dinner table, while watching TV or just relaxing. RV and Boat Bucket Seats aren’t known for being particularly comfortable but RV and Boat owners no longer have to put up with stiff backsides.
4) RV Propane Grill
RV and Boat Owners are trading in their RV or Boat’s standard one burner stove for an RV propane grill that can handle all of the cooking they might want to do while traveling. While RV and Boat ovens are great, RV and Boat propane grills give RV and Boat owners more options.
5) Replacement LED Navigation Lights
RV and Boat Owners are replacing the RV or Boat’s old incandescent navigation lights with RV LED Navigation Lights. RV and Boat Owners can save money on RVing by upgrading to RV LED Navigation Lights – they’re brighter, use less power and last longer than RV or Boat standard replacement bulbs.
6) RV BBQ Grill Cover
RV owners are protecting their investment by buying RV BBQ Grill Covers. RV owners want to maintain the RV’s exterior – RV BBQ Grill Covers help protect RV Aluminum Rims, RV Wheels and RV Tires from harsh elements like UV Rays, Wind & Weather.
7) RV Covers
These are the best investment for RV owners who want to protect their vehicles from the harmful sun that hits these vehicles throughout the south and midwest during the summer months. RV owners who reside in the south or midwest states know that there are RV covers available to protect RV roof tops, RV cabins and RV exteriors.
All in all, these are some of the best items from a fun standpoint or practical standpoint that RV & Boat owners can buy!