How Long does it take to Clean a House Completely

How long does it take to clean a house completely?

Is it two hours or does it take twenty-two hours?

Many of us have tried some form of deep cleaning procedure at our homes, and the times required to complete it have doubtless varied greatly. The majority of us won’t actually have the time or energy to thoroughly clean our homes at once. If this is truly necessary, it could be wiser to think about hiring a house cleaning service like ECO CLEAN SOLUTIONS in Dublin.

For a three-bedroom home with a family bathroom, the short answer to the question of how long to deep clean a house is to allow around 8 hours, increasing or decreasing by an hour for each extra bedroom and bathroom. This is only a very preliminary estimate, and the exact time required will depend on many different aspects, like the property’s existing state, the quantity of clutter, whether pets are present, and many more.

Six days to thoroughly clean your home without killing yourself!

Making sure you have the energy and concentration to concentrate on each step of the clean is essential for a successful deep clean. If you initially try to do too much, you will lose focus, exhaust yourself, and miss certain things. If you stick to this 6-day plan, your home will be thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom in a week.

Your kitchen needs to be thoroughly cleaned on day one.

Every day after use, your kitchen needs to be cleaned, and it can be one of the trickier rooms to thorough clean. You should concentrate your efforts on all kitchen surfaces as well as the large appliances, both installed and free-standing, during the deep cleaning.

De-cobweb the ceiling first, then move across the room in a single path, dusting every item from high to low. The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure.

The following items require extra attention:

Remove all of the shelves from the fridge and wash them in warm water with dish soap. Use the same combination to clean the refrigerator’s interior. Keep in mind the smaller shelf that often holds milk! Make sure to wipe the outside of the refrigerator as well as sanities the handle.

Removable microwave trays should be removed and cleaned in warm, soapy water with fairy liquid. To get rid of tougher stains and blemishes, wipe everything down and scrub if necessary, using an all-purpose cleaner.

Smaller appliances: Make sure to wipe clean the outside and the bottom of all other smaller appliances, and don’t forget to clean out the toaster’s crumb drawer!

Clean all work surfaces, including the floors and interiors of cabinets.

After vacuuming the floors to get rid of any debris, give them a good mopping from corner to corner.

How long does it take to clean a house completely?

You have now reached the sixth step!

Your bedrooms will be thoroughly cleaned on day two.

De-cobweb the ceiling first, then move across the room in a single path, dusting every item from high to low. The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure. Bed headboards should be dusted as well.

Pay close attention to the bedroom window inside and sills. Use a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to create a streak-free finish on any mirrors you may have.

Get as much of the way beneath beds and cabinets as you can when vacuuming!

How long does it take to clean a house completely?

Third of the way done!

Day three: thorough bathroom cleaning

One of the rooms in your house that gets the most traffic might become quite dirty if it isn’t cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis. These are the main areas to pay attention to.

Toilets: Spray down an appropriate toilet cleaner, stir with the brush, and leave for around five minutes. Return after that and flush.

Showers: Use a suitable substance to clean the glass shower screens and ensure that the glass is streak-free and leak-free. Check the care instructions to make sure you can wash material shower curtains in a washing machine before hanging them back up to dry.

Sinks: Give sinks a thorough cleaning, and remove any buildup on taps and plugholes using an appropriate limescale remover.

Remember to sweep the floors!

How long does it take to clean a house completely?

You’re nearly there!

Your living room has to be thoroughly cleaned on day four.

It’s wonderful to know that your living room is clean because that’s where you want to unwind.

De-cobweb the ceiling first, then move across the room in a single path, dusting every item from high to low. lofty ceilings, artwork, furnishings, and televisions’ tops.

The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure. Bed headboards should be dusted as well.

If you have pets, it’s especially vital to remove the sofa cushions after that and vacuum below them with a brush attachment to get rid of any debris that fell down the cracks!

Clear the area under cabinets and around skirting boards.

Finally, give your living room a thorough vacuuming.

Day five: thoroughly clean your eating area.

De-cobweb the ceiling first, then move across the room in a single path, dusting every item from high to low. Again, make sure to thoroughly dust all of the furnishings in your dining area, including the beverage cabinets.

The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure. Bed headboards should be dusted as well.

To prevent pushing any trash to the floor, dust your seats and dining table.

The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure. Bed headboards should be dusted as well.

Clear the area under cabinets and around skirting boards.

Finally, give your dining room a thorough vacuuming.

How long does it take to clean a house completely?

You only need one more session to finish!

Deep-clean your stairs and hallway on day six.

De-cobweb the ceiling first, then move across the room in a single path, dusting every item from high to low. The final step of the process, vacuuming up the dust and debris, will be ensured by this procedure. Bed headboards should be dusted as well.

Work your way down, beginning with the skirting boards.

Vacuuming all areas is the last step.

How long does it take to clean a house completely? You’ve finished, and we anticipate that you’ll feel quite accomplished and still have a tone of energy.