Health Issues, Advices and Regulations: The Changing Paradigm

Health is an issue that not only requires attention but is central to human existence. Having a long history of research, application and development, health has always remained as an important subject for all human cultures and today, the pharmaceutical industry is still ranking as one of the largest businesses in the world. Whether it be using antidepressants for psychological problems or a Kavinace supplement for better sleep, the industry’s benefits to human health are noteworthy but are not only limited to pills or supplements as research goes into virtually every aspect of human health in various fields of technology. As the human consciousness gets more aware about the delicate nature of human health, there will be further developments to help people lead healthier lives, contributing to the creation of a more stable and productive society at large.
Cancer is one of those nightmares that you wish you would never have but it is also a reality that creates much confusion, sadness and trouble for humans. For patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, there are certain strategies to follow in the name of minimizing the mental and psychological stress. Facing the anxiety and confusion of the situation is extremely important in developing a resistance against its destructive influences on one’s life. Similarly, having prejudices or making rootless assumptions is also a strategy that needs to be abandoned, while attending important appointments with a trusted and loved friend or relative is a great way to reduce stress. Breaking up the steps to be taken in the future regarding cancer treatment is a great start for recovery and leveraging the free and available resources helps patients develop confidence. In supplementing such confidence, patients are also advised to visualize activities that they wish to accomplish in spite of cancer to be able to counter the psychological effects of such a demanding reality and to focus on a better future with more integrity.
Climate change has been a hot topic of scientific debate but not many are aware of its ramifications on human health. As climate change continues to fuel larger and more powerful hurricanes, lots of people with limited means are forced to live in shelters without the necessary supplies of food and water, while the storms also lead to serious episodes of post-traumatic stress disorder. For people working outside, dehydration is a significant problem and due to the effects of climate change, allergy seasons occur longer than usual. As the effects of climate change will worsen in the years to come, the associated health risks will be distributed evenly, initially targeting the elderly, children and pregnant women and eventually all those with economic vulnerabilities. In order to prevent such an ill-fated scenario, experts are warning the public to take notice of the situation and make the necessary arrangements because most of the complications that will surface will be resolvable through simple technologies such as air conditioning. The public needs to be aware of the consequences of not installing and using such simple technologies, as the adverse effects of climate change on human health have been scientifically proven in numerous studies.
Nicotine addiction is a modern day social disease and the recent explosion of electronic cigarettes into the market had a direct impact on the minds of the consumers, as millions began to vape instead of smoke, believing that the practice was healthier than smoking regular cigarettes. However, a recent legal development in the state of Hawaii suggests otherwise, as the Hawaiian lawmakers agreed to ban all flavored tobacco products in the state, claiming that the products “help taper adults addiction to actual cigarettes” while also hooking “young people on nicotine, driving them toward real cigarettes.” San Francisco, Berkeley, Chicago, Minneapolis and Rhode Island are among other US states that have previously passed bans on flavored tobacco products, while Hawaii initiated the #FlavorHooksKidsHI campaign to raise support for its political decision, which was previously denied in 2014. The recent decision change was based on the “unprecedented youth vaping epidemic” that is currently taking place in the state, with six times more middle and high school students using vaping devices, equating twice the national average.