Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Content

When creating fresh and unique content, it’s completely normal to feel struck by writer’s block from time to time. And, given that, as a marketer, you probably have a jam-packed schedule (and not enough time to do everything you’ve been meaning to do), maintaining consistency and quality of your marketing content might feel overwhelming. Therefore, you might be looking for some creative ways to repurpose old content and save yourself some time.
#1. Create video content
Video content is an incredibly powerful promotional strategy. According to research, a great majority of consumers say they were more convinced to purchase a product in the past after watching a brand’s video. But most of your content can be used as the foundation to create YouTube videos, with how-to posts being particularly convenient. Whether you decide to do it manually or hire a freelancer to do the work for you, you’ll be doubling the chances of your content getting seen.
#2. Use TikTok and Instagram Reels
If you’ve already got your feet wet and published videos on your website or YT channel, try expanding your reach further. For instance, you can adapt your videos for platforms like TikTok or Instagram. If you haven’t been counting, TikTok has close to 690 million monthly active users, making it a perfect place to get your message across. Likewise, Instagram Reels has helped countless businesses to grow their profile and improve their content. So, if you aren’t using reels on Instagram, you’re missing out a lot.
#3. Create an infographic
Another format in which you can give new meaning to your old content – especially the posts full of statistics or data – is an infographic. Like we’ve said, consumers really appreciate visuals. Therefore, summarizing your posts’ most hard-hitting info and statistics is a fresh, engaging way to communicate with your audience.
Infographics can be tricky to get right, though. For instance, don’t make the mistake of overemphasizing design. Yes, design matters because it gives your post an extra dimension. However, adding a ton of different colors and fonts, using a bunch of icons, and cramming in all the latest design trends can overwhelm the consumers, making it difficult for them to understand a message. So, unless you’re a designer, it’s best to either get in touch with your graphic design agency or enlist a freelancer to create your infographics.
#4. Create a SlideShare presentation
This may be one of the easiest yet most creative ways to repurpose old content, as you are simply converting your existing content into the presentation form. Start with identifying a piece of a high-performing blog post, PDF, webinar, document, or video – anything that has done well for you. Then, create a summary or outline of its most salient points and select a few exciting and eye-popping visuals. Keep it short and sweet and reproduce it into a SlideShare.
#5. Repurpose old content by creating an eBook
Writing an eBook is a great way to make your old content new again. Blog posts often touch on specific key elements of your subject, whereas an eBook is extended, long-form blog content. It offers educational value to your audience because you have the opportunity to start a more in-depth discussion of the blog content you’ve already created.
#6. Update it with new info and images
Have you been publishing content for a while now? Then, you probably have a few blog posts that are no longer accurate. Otherwise, they may lack links to your more recently published posts, or they’re not exactly synced with your current content guidelines. You may have simply upped your game, and your old content isn’t up to your quality standards. As a result, they’re declining in search rankings, generating less traffic to your website than they used to and prompting fewer conversations about the product you’re marketing. It’s time to refresh your old content by updating it with new info and graphics and re-engage your community. MoversTech CRM always recommends knowing your audience like the back of your hand. Only then can additional information help meet any new customer behaviors and aspirations.
#7. Refresh it with quality copywriting
First and foremost, identify which content currently drives the most traffic to your site. You can use a traffic analysis tool to discover which of your old posts still may be getting attention. Given that these content pieces already have some SEO traction try to find ways to boost them even further. For instance, you can update your links to some external resources, up the density of the keyword currently driving traffic to that page, or perhaps change the call-to-action.
Full rewrites may not at all be necessary. Sometimes, just a few minor tweaks can refresh the quality of your old content and improve its effectiveness. The important thing is that you always keep user experience in mind and strive to evoke new feelings with the quality of words rather than quantity.
#8. Repurpose old content by extracting thought leadership quotes
Talking about quality over quantity, recruiting industry experts or thought leaders can be an excellent way to repurpose old content. These people can significantly contribute to your pieces by providing valuable insight. Simply extract some heavy-hitting quotes from articles. Then, create infographics, post them on social media, or use them as snippets in e-mail newsletters.
Final thoughts
These days, creating quality content is an enormous ‘must-do’ for any business. There’s no better way to drive organic traffic to your site and convert visitors into leads. But sometimes, the industry requires that we work smarter rather than harder.
At first glance, content repurposing may feel like you’re trying to cheat the system. However, it’s a far cry from it! You will simply be reworking your already existing high-quality content and presenting it in a new way. In other words, when you repurpose old content, you make it more high-quality. In fact, the statistics have shown that your audience is more likely to actually see the content when it’s posted more than once. So, taking your old content and making it fresh will not only save you time but also help get your message in front of a larger audience.