Bedroom Design Tips for Better Sleep

Who doesn’t want a better night’s sleep? With 68% of Americans struggling to sleep soundly at least once a week, you’re not alone if you’re waking up feeling tired in the morning. Did you know the design of your bedroom might actually be contributing to your poor sleep every night?
It’s time to say goodbye to feeling tired all day and dreading bedtime. Embrace a new year of better sleep. Use these bedroom design tips below to create a restful space you look forward to sleeping in every night.
#1. Refresh Your Mattress
One of your first questions if you’ve been struggling to sleep soundly should be about your mattress. The wrong mattress will lead to back pain, muscle soreness, and tossing and turning. If your mattress is over a decade old, it’s time for a refresh.
Sometimes you need extra support. If that’s the case, try a Reverie power base to make more of your mattress. Your mattress should be a place of comfort. However, if your mattress isn’t doing your body any favors, it’s time to make the switch. The good news is it’s easy to find a new mattress online without having to take any uncomfortable trips to the mattress store.
#2. Solve Your Lighting Problem
Your bedroom doesn’t need the same lighting as the rest of your living space. When it’s time for bed, your body searches for outside clues. Having dimmable lights in your bedroom or smaller lamps will help you feel ready for sleep.
Another thing to pay attention to is any light coming in from outside sources or electronics. An open window with poor-quality curtains or blinds will interrupt your REM sleep. Another problem could be any digital light from TVs and computers. When in doubt, keep these electronics away from your bedroom.
#3. Choose Muted Colors
Leave the brighter colors in your living room. There’s a science behind choosing the color scheme for your bedroom. Calm, soothing colors like pastels and neutral tones will promote better sleep. We’ve all felt the excitement of bright colors and patterns. You don’t need that in your bedroom as well.
#4. Deep Clean Your Space
When was the last time you deep cleaned your bedroom? Things like dust mites, allergen buildup, and other things add up to problems with sleep. It’s important to regularly deep clean your sleeping space to make sure nothing is impacting your health and sleep quality. Similarly, it’s time to declutter your bedroom. According to the rules of feng shui, having clutter leads to anxiety and stress. Nobody wants to come home to a bedroom piled high with clothes that need to be folded and other mess. If you’re struggling to keep your space organized, invest in some easy storage solutions like under-the-bed bins to make sure your belongings always have a place to go.
#5. Embrace Sleepy Scents
Finally, fill your bedroom with scents that calm your body and prepare you for a better night’s sleep. Lavender, for instance, is a great scent that helps you prepare for sleep. Nothing is better than taking time to calm yourself at the end of the day.
Fill your room with lavender candles, a diffuser, or even just a pillow spray. No matter what works for you, these small details will let your body know it’s time to go to bed and stay in bed.
These tips above are designed to make your bedroom a sleep-friendly place. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that something must be wrong with you if you can’t sleep well at night. In reality, your bedroom might be to blame. Things like having a TV or bright colors in your room seem harmless, but they actually impact your sleep when bedtime rolls around.