Blue Light Glass

It looks like everyone is talking about blue light glasses, and there’s a reason for it. If you’re using a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, while reading this, then you’re already exposing your eyes to blue light. Did you know that as you spend more time staring at monitors, smartphones, or tablets, then you’re increasing the amount of blue light that you’re already exposed to? This is why you need blue light filtering glasses.

What is blue light?

Blue light is that portion of the visible light spectrum that has the shortest wavelengths, about 400 to 500 nanometers, and has the highest energy. Our corneas and lens block UV rays from reaching our retinas (the back of our eyes). However, our eyes do not block blue light well. In fact, blue light passes through these structures and reach the retina. Exposure to blue light can increase the risk of macular degeneration, which can contribute to digital eye strain.

What are the effects of blue light on us?

Here are two ways blue light can affect us:

  1. It can damage the cells of the retina
  2. It can affect our wake/sleep cycle

What does blue light do to our eyes?

Blue light is everywhere – we get constant exposure to blue light from the sun, computer screens, smartphones, and tablets. And this can affect our body clocks. Our brain associates blue light as daytime, so if you’re exposed to blue light for long periods of time at night, then the blue light will make it difficult for you to sleep at night and wake up in the morning.

There isn’t really definitive information on the exact amount of blue light that you can be exposed to before the side effects show up but overexposure to blue light can have some serious side effects. Headaches, loss of sleep, and disorientation are just among these side effects.

Why do You need blue light glasses?

There are so many causes for eye strain, and blue light is one of them. All those times you’ve spent in front of your computer screen may be causing digital eye strain.

You strain the muscles of your eyes when you look at such a close target. So, if you spend so much time on your phone at night, then you’re putting yourself at risk. Blue light affects melatonin levels, which affects your sleep pattern.

Decreased light at night signals the body to produce sleep hormones like melatonin. Getting exposed to blue light will disrupt these signals, causing your body to generate less melatonin. For you to combat eye strain and sleeplessness, then you need to buy blue light glasses.

What blue light glasses do

You probably already know that blue light glasses filter out blue light, but how do they do it? They block the transmission of a specific range or segment of wavelengths. Aside from filtering blue light, the lenses help reduce the occurrence of digital eye strain and avoid affecting the circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm tells the body to wake up in the morning and sleep at night. Thanks to blue light glasses, blue light can’t affect your sleep and overall well-being anymore.

Do you need blue light glasses?

Just because you know how dangerous blue light can be doesn’t mean you automatically need to use blue light filtering glasses. The average time adults spend in front of the screen and other similar devices is roughly about 11 hours. If you’re the type who spends a lot of time looking at your smartphones, then you will benefit from these glasses.

Whenever you continue to use your smartphones and other similar devices at night, you’re basically telling your body to hang on and stay awake for the time being. It will help you if you wear these glasses at least three to four hours before going to bed.

Where can you find blue light glasses?

If you’re looking for the best blue light glasses, your first step should be to consult an eye care professional who can help identify your needs for protection. You may also undergo an annual comprehensive eye examination so you can maintain your eyes’ overall health.

If you’re looking for blue light filtering glasses online, at least do some research first before buying. As common as this may sound, but checking for reviews can help identify whether or not the blue light eyewear you’re about to purchase is worth it. Make sure that the glasses can block the harmful blue light.

How to look for blue light glasses

If you’ve decided to buy blue light glasses, always look for a certificate that specifies the wavelength range that the glasses can filter. The glasses should at least cover up to 455 nanometers, so don’t just buy anything that claims to filter or block blue light.

Other ways to filter or block blue light

If you’re still unsure about blue light filtering glasses, then there are other ways you can try to block or filter blue light. You can use apps for your smartphones and tablets, or adjust the settings on your device. A lot of phones now have a blue light filter option to help you keep the melatonin levels going the right way. You can also try free-to-use apps that automatically adjust the screen color according to the time of the day.

When using a computer, you can try the blue light screen filters that you can fit directly over the monitor. You can also use blue light filtering lightbulbs that will automatically filter out the blue light at night.


Digital screens are the biggest sources of blue light, the kind of blue light that our bodies need to regulate our sleep. However, overexposure to blue light can be harmful because not only does it affect your sleeping patterns, but it also affects the cells of your retina. And because of that, you need blue light filtering glasses that will protect you against it. These glasses can not only filter out or block blue light, but they can also help alleviate your headaches and eye strain.