Slip and Fall Hazards in the Summer

We are all familiar with common slip and fall hazards during the winter months with slippery conditions from the ice and snow, but there are also plenty of slip and fall hazards to be aware of during the summer months.
During the summer months, it is always nice to spend time outside. Just be careful when walking on sidewalks. Sidewalks can also have cracks, which can cause you to trip and fall during rain or shine. Rain is usually very common during the summer, especially in Philadelphia. And with rain brings slippery sidewalks. Always take extra caution when walking outside in the rain.
Another slippery area to be careful around are pools and splash pads. Since the water can cause the pavement to be slippery, it is important to always walk and never run around these watery areas. In addition to this, barbeques can also cause hazardous conditions if food, ice, cocktails or ice cream spill on the floor, causing a slippery pavement as well.
Vacations are very common during the summer and slip and falls often happen while on vacation. Of course, pay attention to your surroundings because if there are dangerous conditions on the property, it is the responsibility of the property owners to post a sign. Poor lighting is also a factor when it comes to slipping and falling. Walking around outside or even inside a property you are not familiar with under poor lighting will make it hard for you to get around and there could be lots of things that can cause you to slip and fall.
Remember, if you do experience a slip and fall, you could have a claim on your hand. When injuring yourself on someone else’s property, the property owner can be held liable. There are some circumstances where neglect may have caused the slip and fall leading to a personal injury accident. This is where you will have a claim.
For example, if bad weather does hit, it is the responsibility of the property owner to take the appropriate measures to avoid any unsafe areas on the property. This means keeping walkways clear and posting signs if the pavement tends to get extra slippery during these weather conditions.
How to File a Claim
After being injured in a slip and fall, you should consider filing a claim. Of course, you need to seek medical assistance right away and report the incident to the property. After that, be sure to speak with an accident attorney Philadelphia to review your options.
In the state of Pennsylvania, you must bring a slip and fall claim forward within 2 years of the incident. Remember the case may take some time, so remain patient. Edelstein Law Firm offers the experience and support needed to successfully win a personal injury case.
They specialize in personal injury cases including slip and falls and will guide you through the case. They have the experience and skills to fight for you and get what you deserve while holding the responsible party accountable.