Keeping Up With Mobile UX Design for Mobile Ecommerce Websites

Most modern websites have responsive design. Is that enough? When it comes to keeping up with the mobile demand for ecommerce websites the sad answer is probably not. You can learn more about design and development at bingdigital.
The behavior of multiple users is different than the behavior of desktop users. There are limitations that people have when they are on a smaller slower phone screen. Most phone users aren’t casual browsers. They have something specific they want to find, and they want to find it fast.
Your mobile optimization goal should be to shorten your users journey. Mobile performance is important, and you need to make sure that your mobile site is fast and nimble. Here are a few things you can do to optimize your mobile website.
Highlight the Easiest Path to Conversion
If your user is on the phone the easiest path to conversion is often a phone call. Have a click-to-call button. Make it prominent and easy to find. You don’t want to make your users have to think or search. If they are close to buying, make it easy for them to do so.
Use Click-to-Scroll for Easy Navigation
Scrolling on a mobile phone can be a challenge and something that many users don’t want to be bothered with. Oftentimes mobile users have one intent. If your main landing page has the exact information they need, they will not need to go any further on your website. Furthermore, requiring people to scroll is a ticket to a higher bounce rate.
Having click-to-scroll buttons can make it easy for people to find the exact information they are looking for without having to scroll or search around on your mobile website.
Use Sticky Navigation Bars
Your goal for mobile users is always to shorten the path of action. Having sticky navigation bars for the header and the footer leaves prominent information available and in plain view at all times.
Be Cautious With Popups
If you are going to use a popup, you need to be aware of where your customer is in their journey and offer a relevant popup to aid in that journey. If your visitor is in a place on your website that would make you think they are about to make a purchase, a call to action popup could be helpful.
Popups can also be used to capture leads. For businesses that don’t take incoming calls, getting email sign-ups on mobile is a great conversion practice. Before using any popup technique, take the time to ask yourself how it will improve your customer experience.
Be Persuasive
You can use persuasion techniques like social proof to help develop trust with your potential customer. Knowing, trusting, and liking you is the path to loyal customers.
You can also use behavioral economics techniques like scarcity and urgency. If there is a special for a limited time this can be the nudge that makes your future customer a present customer.
Mobile is always evolving but creating the best mobile customer experience can put your site way ahead of the competition.