How To Make Nutrition More Accessible to The Progressive Consumers of Today?

If the professionals working in the food and beverage industry still think that the consumers and food marketplace have not changed much over the decades, they need to think again. A savvier and more aware customer who is concerned about his health and wellness journey is already transforming the food industry.
Today’s food industry consumer is both proactive and progressive when it comes to his health and nutrition and demands to know what goes inside those food products he buys.
Progressive and changing consumers
For many consumers nowadays, a health-promoting diet and lifestyle is a priority, and it is observed that the younger shoppers seek a deeper connection to their food regarding cultural considerations and the environment. The younger people consider it their personal responsibility regarding their nutrition and fitness.
Progressive wellness consumers are redefining food culture and increasingly influencing the food markets. Needless to say, the commercial food companies and industry need to change and adapt to the evolving needs of the mainstream consumers, who are now much more inquisitive for guidance and direction. The “new healthy” consumers look for fresh real quality food with positive nutrition and seek fact-based information when it comes to food.
Such changing habits and eating styles demand that the practitioners within the food industry and marketplace focus more on the “new” consumers and think about how they understand nutrition and tap into the future trends. With more than 60% of consumers emphasizing healthfulness in their diet, the global market for organic and nutritious food and beverage products is expected to cross $323 billion by 2024.
New opportunities for food manufacturers
Food practitioners, manufacturers, and retailers need to understand the shift towards a health-oriented movement in the market and provide the precise products and services their clientele demands. As today’s consumers are more well informed when it comes to their health needs, the food industry professionals must take these trends seriously and react accordingly. It means they need to shift away from the traditional marketing strategies and evolve as per the ever-changing realities.
Food options that are innovative, easy to prepare, healthful, and taste good will have a higher staying power in the market. Food manufacturers and marketers need to focus on the changing styles and preferences and offer products that promise nutrition, diet, and health to the consumers and with a strong academic foundation. Real success stories will emerge once the food industry can successfully tap into the emerging consumer trends and build momentum gradually.
Interpretation and communication of health-related information with complete transparency are needed to meet the current needs of discerning customers with responsibility. A good example can be taken from PepsiCo, which has launched a website that offers education to healthcare professionals and empowers the general masses to make healthier choices.
Providing holistic health and nutrition
With consumers increasingly aware of their nutritional needs, it is apparent that food is no longer about taste and sustenance. As health-conscious consumers take control of their diets and feel responsible for the choice they make, what may be good for one may not be good for others. Food industry specialists need to follow a holistic approach when it comes to offering food choices to consumers.
Here are some options on how to address both the health and sustainability concerns of the consumers of today.
- Using certified organic and ethically sourced ingredients – Food companies must use only certified organic ingredients to prepare their products that address specific areas such as nutrition, stress, and focus. Companies should offer detailed information on their carbon footprint and set targets for a sustainable growth model to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. The food industry can attract more customers with the use of locally sourced seasonal ingredients and fresh produce.
- Nutritional meal kits– Meal kits are nutritionally balanced, ready-made boxes packed with a healthy meal. This is a great option for consumers looking for nutritious homecooked meals that are simple to prepare and from different cuisines. The logic behind the concept is that one can do away with the hassle of searching for well-portioned ingredients and a recipe that can be used to prepare a healthy meal. Now one can cook mouth-watering nutritious meals at home and with minimum fuss, especially after a long day at work. Companies can hire registered nutritionists and expert chefs to prepare recipes with the right ingredients. Many companies even focus on creating recipes for specific requirements such as a diet for athletes, sportsperson, or health needs of an ailing customer.
- Clearly marked nutritional information – Most consumers today will read the nutrition labels on the food and like to know about the ingredients used in their food products. In order to keep pace with the current consumer trends, food companies must make an effort to place complete and clearly marked nutritional information on their foods and beverages. When food products carry nutritional information as per the federal laws, they become more effective in providing relevant information to the consumers and leave a positive impact. Restaurants, too, should make every effort to raise their nutrition bar and expand their consumer base that focuses on healthier choices. They can educate, inform and show specific ways on how to make healthier choices.
The customer feels more empowered and knowledgeable in making healthier choices when he is provided with authentic information based on diet and health needs.