How to Get Motivated to Work When you are not Motivated

Tips that can help you get motivated to work
It often happens that we start inventing tons of various tasks and things to do just to avoid working on something really important. As a student, you probably know how it happens during coursework writing: the amount of work seems just so overwhelming you lose every desire to start. Needless to say, constant procrastination is no way out; it just makes your tasks piling up until you feel in over your head. So how can you get motivated to work when you don’t really feel motivated? Read one for some useful tips.
Everyone knows what procrastination is. Most often, it happens when we are tired or bored, but for some people procrastination becomes a real long-standing issue. People just avoid working on their tasks during the day and when deadlines approach, they rush to finish all tasks at once. Needless to say, quality of those tasks leave much to be desired. How many times have you experienced something like this when you suddenly realize you’ve got a ton of paper writing on your hands you have to turn in within a few days? How many times did you think that it would be easier to spend money on ordering a paper done at some professional custom essay services than trying to get it done on your own?
Research shows that procrastination leads to stress, decreases your productivity and effects your overall state of health in a negative way. So let’s see what are the most common excuses for postponing your work and how to deal with them.
I have no idea where to start
We often tend to stop in the face of major, complex tasks – they intimidate with the seemingly insurmountable amount of work, which makes out motivation drop to zero. But the best thing we can do it keep moving in any direction, keep doing something, anything. Don’t let fear stop you. When you look at that blank page, just start writing whatever comes into your head; chances are, you’ll get some creative writing ideas in the process. When your task is too complex and big, divide it into smaller parts and work on each of them separately. Just don’t be idle.
There are too many distractions
For many starting to work on a big project is quite a challenge. People start inventing some small chores and things to do just to avoid the major task. They answer emails, make some calls, check some news websites of social media… In short, they do everything not to do what’s really important.
But being busy doesn’t mean being productive. If you keep putting your work aside, stop and try to imagine what will happen if you keep procrastinating. This may be a good wake up call that might help you realize that putting your work off till late is not such a good idea.
This is just too easy
Tasks that seem too easy might be dangerous. You may underestimate them and put them aside, and when you finally get to work on them, you realize you don’t have enough time.
Remember that even if some tasks seems fairly easy, you still have to spend time to complete it. Easy doesn’t always mean unimportant. You know that good writing takes time and a lot of hard work. So if you have too little time to complete your paper, you might not get that desired grade.
I don’t like this
People don’t always procrastinate because their tasks are too complex or too easy. Sometimes it’s hard to get to work just because you don’t feel invested.
Unfortunately, there is no universal way of always finding something interesting and motivating in everything you do. Some things just will be boring and tedious. Just make sure you complete such tasks first of all, before you start doing anything else.
I don’t think I can do it
So you have a new project on your hands, maybe even the one you were eager to start working on. And suddenly you start thinking about all the what ifs. What if you fail? What if you don’t have enough time? What if you aren’t competent/qualified/smart enough? This can go on and on until you start thinking you can’t do it, so dropping the project is the best decision.
So if you don’t do the project, you won’t fail, right? Actually, wrong. The very avoidance of challenge, not letting yourself grow and learn something new is a failure. .
You’ve got to try think positively. Think of all the good things that may happen when you complete the project successfully. When you believe you can do something and visualize positive results, you tune yourself for success.
Now combine all the strategies you learned here. Fighting procrastination helps you learn to get invested in what you do, become more creative and, as a result, accomplish more.