Health Insurance

Being self-employed is wonderful indeed. You are not dependent on anyone and can carry out your business according to your needs. The same applies when handling things like insurance, including health insurance. If you are not sure about the options that are present for health insurance if you are self-employed, then continue reading on to find out more.

Organizations present for self-employed

If you are self-employed, then you may look at other organizations and unions which can provide you with budget-friendly plans as well as other perks. Below are some self-employed specific organizations which can aid you in receiving affordable health insurance. You can have a look at what they offer

The National Associate for the Self-Employed

This can be referred to as NASE as well. It is an organization which gives the day-to-day type of support to the self-employed. When looking at some member benefits, these can provide you with access to helpful Health Savings Accounts as well as life insurance policies.

If you are a freelance business owner, then you can even get access to huge savings at stores such as Office Depot, TurboTax, etc.

The Freelancers Union

It depends upon your state, but the Freelancers Union tends to have wonderful health insurance choices and even other benefits for its members. They tend to group members to keep costs lower in comparison to the individual market.

The Freelancers Union is totally free to join and begin browsing their resources, the health insurance expenses as well as other insurance requirements. You need to enter your zip code upon their website to get group rates concerning health insurance. Check out what they can provide you with.

National Association of Health Underwriters

This can be referred to as NASE and represents many health insurance agents present inside the United States. It effectively directs one to local agents which will aid you in finding a good plan suiting your situation like a self-employed freelancer.

You will even get access to many benefits as well as savings that other organizations give.


eHealthInsurance is regarded as being an affordable health insurance choice that self-employed people can consider. It is possible to compare various health plans present in the place that you are currently living in. The process is not tough also. After stating your information, including the place you stay and the number of people you want the insurance for, you will get options and even the lowest price for the insurance.

When someone is new to anything including being self-employed, things can become tough to figure out. You are not alone and can get help from Careful Cents which aims to help those who are self-employed in handling different areas of life, including health insurance.

The above are some health insurance options amongst many others that you can consider if you are self-employed. Carefully think about what type of coverage you need and get the one that is affordable but still provides you with everything you require.