8 Common TMJ Exercises to Relieve Your Jaw Pain

If you are experiencing pain in the jaw, it could be caused by a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), a condition that affects the joints and muscles of the jaw. In some cases, patients need to undergo surgical treatment to treat TMJ. However, non-invasive therapy like jaw exercises for TMJ to relieve pain can help to reduce the pain associated with TMJ disorders.
As with any exercise, TMJ pain relief exercises will initially hurt. But they will gradually make your muscles stronger and reduce the pain. Start with light exercises at first, and if the pain intensifies, it’s advisable to visit a TMJ clinic immediately. There are several different types of TMJ exercises you can practice regularly to get rid of TMJ pain.
Read Along to learn more about eight TMJ pain relief exercises to relieve your jaw pain:
1. Goldfish Exercise
The goldfish exercise is a very effective way to stretch your jaw and aid jaw mobility. This jaw exercise involves gently opening and closing your mouth with your tongue and middle and index fingers. To perform this exercise, place your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Then, place one of your middle fingers on your chin and the other on the front of your ear. Once you have closed your mouth, repeat it multiple times. This is one of the most effective TMJ pain relief exercises you can try at home.
2. Relaxed Jaw Exercise
You can reduce your jaw pain by relaxing your jaw. Try performing exercises like yawning-sigh. This will relax your face, jaw, and shoulder muscles. It can also reduce stress. The next time you feel jaw pain, try this simple relaxation technique. Repeat this several times daily until you have the relief you want. It is one of the efficient TMJ ear pain relief exercises that help align the jawbone and improve the range of motion. You should try this exercise six to 10 times daily to see positive results.
3. Chin Tucks Exercise
Start the exercise by placing one finger on the TMJ and the other on the chin. Place mild pressure on both temporomandibular joints, and hold the position for three seconds. To improve the strength of your jaw, perform the exercise multiple times a day. The chin-tuck practice is effective in helping patients with TMJ issues because it strengthens the muscles in the neck that support the jaw. Make an appointment at the nearby TMJ clinic in Boise, Idaho, to learn more about this exercise.
4. Tongue-Up Exercise
The Tongue-Up Exercise is one of the TMJ pain relief exercises that can help you relieve your pain effectively. It’s a simple jaw-stretching exercise that helps reduce tension and pain in the temporomandibular joints. To do this exercise, open your mouth as wide as possible and place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Hold the position for five to ten seconds, and repeat it as needed to feel relief.
5. Side-To-Side Jaw Movements Exercise
The Side-To-Side Jaw Movements exercises focus on increasing the mobility of the jaw joint. Depending on the severity of your jaw pain, you can perform the exercise two or three times per day. This exercise is best performed when you have difficulty opening your jaw normally. Place a wooden craft stick between the top and bottom front teeth to perform this exercise, then slowly shift your jaw to the other side. This will give you resistance to forcing your jaw to move side-to-side motion.
6. Forward Jaw Movement Exercise
The Forward Jaw Movement Exercise for TMJ helps you improve your flexibility by strengthening your jaw muscles. Start by placing a half-centimeter item between your front teeth and try moving your bottom jaw forward. This exercise will help relieve pain caused by TMJ and gradually restore jaw range of motion. It is undoubtedly one of the practical TMJ ear pain relief exercises you can practice anywhere; visit a nearby TMJ clinic in Boise, Idaho, to learn more about TMJ’s various jaw exercises.
7. Resisted Mouth Opening Exercise
Resisted Mouth Opening Exercise for TMJ works by building the muscles around the joints in the jaw. Start by placing your thumb under your chin and gently pushing against your chin. Once you reach the desired position, close your mouth slowly. Repeat this process multiple times. Eventually, you will have a healthy and functional jaw! It is one of the helpful TMJ pain relief exercises that work on the muscles that control the opening and closing of the jaw.
8. Deep Tissue Massage for TMJ
If you’re suffering from TMJ pain, you may be surprised to know that massage can help. This condition affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the lower jawbone to the skull. TMJ massage uses a constant circular motion to target the muscles and joints of the jaw. The massage should be performed with moderate pressure. This technique also promotes circulation. When done correctly, it helps you get a comfortable and effective treatment.
Stay Cautious While Performing These Exercises
It’s essential to do this exercise consistently to prevent future jaw problems. If you’re not feeling any relief, you should consult a physical therapist or doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. As with any exercise, it’s essential to keep your condition under control, so you can’t strain yourself too much. Aside from helping you prevent jaw pain; this exercise can also strengthen the jaw muscles. Before starting any of the above-mentioned jaw exercises for TMJ, visit a nearby TMJ clinic in Boise, Idaho.
Performing exercise is an effective way to reduce the pain associated with TMJ. These exercises help you regain your jaw’s proper alignment, which is essential for proper functioning. You can relieve the pain associated with TMJ by strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint. TMJ exercises can help you avoid clenching and grinding your teeth, which can also cause jaw pain. Visit a nearby TMJ clinic in Boise, Idaho, to learn about some practical TMJ pain relief exercises.
While TMJ pain relief exercises are not a cure-all for jaw pain, they are an excellent way to reduce the discomfort caused by TMJ. These exercises can be done at home or work and help you manage your symptoms and prevent them from worsening. If your jaw pain is severe, you should visit your doctor to be diagnosed properly. However, practicing these jaw exercises for TMJ can benefit the treatment for TMJ.
James Roberts has worked on sleep apnea, snoring, head and facial pain, and The TMJ disorder treatments at the Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ in Boise, Idaho for the past two decades. He is dedicated to offering the best possible treatment options and creating an environment where patients feel valued.