Ayurvedic Treatments

In cities, the allergic cough has become a common ailment that a huge number of people suffer from. This is predominant in cities due to the allergens and contaminants present in the air. These particles enter our throat pipe, airway, and lungs as we breathe and it triggers the allergic coughing in the body. Continued coughing leads to the inflammation of the throat and the respiratory tract, and over time it becomes chronic.

The common cold is a more harmless condition that can occur at any time of the year and is most commonly found in children. This may not be a major ailment but it is not a pleasant experience to have a cold. Ayurvedic remedies and ayurvedic medicine for allergic cough and cold are proven ways to deal with the conditions.

Symptoms and causes of having allergic cough

  • Fever
  • Irritability
  • Frequent dry cough
  • Pain in regions like temples, abdomen, and heart
  • Suffocation
  • Sputum production
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty while swallowing food

The primary causes of allergic cough are infections of the respiratory tract, Pneumonia, Sinusitis, inflammation due to pollutants, etc. Prolonged exposure to toxic smoke, dust, and pollution trigger such coughs. Ayurveda calls this condition “Vataja Kasa”.

Shielding yourself from such conditions requires a lifestyle change, better nutrition, less environmental toxicity, and this leads to creating a strong immunity for the respiratory system.

Ayurvedic remedies for cough

The respiratory system is governed by Prana and Udana Vayu, and these are two types of vata. These elements, when vitiated by allergens, bacteria, and viruses, get imbalanced. The body then forcibly expels air in an attempt to remove this obstruction. This leads to an allergic cough.

  • Mix honey and turmeric in warm milk and consume before bedtime. This helps as a natural antibiotic.
  • Try having honey mixed with turmeric at least three times a day.
  • Licorice helps in reducing inflammation.
  • A decoction of sauf can be used as the water base for coffee or tea.
  • Mix ginger and honey as these work as a natural cough syrup. To do so, you need to boil a peeled piece of ginger in water. Then filter it, mix with a tsp of honey, and consume it.
  • Adding cinnamon to warm water or tea helps in getting relieved from an irritated throat.
  • You can also make a tea of tulsi, honey, and ginger. This helps with an irritated throat.
  • Chewing tulsi leaves throughout the day aids in faster recovery.

Certain changes in lifestyle include:

  • Minimize contact with allergens and pollutants such as pollen, dust, etc.
  • Stay away from junk, spicy and dry food.
  • Take a nourishing diet that settles the digestive system for optimum performance.
  • Take rest as and when necessary.
  • Always have clean water that is at room temperature.
  • Build your lung health through pranayama.
  • Avoid all sources of smoke, from mosquito coils to incense, etc.
  • Incorporate a lot of Vitamin C in your diet; it will help you in strengthening your immune system.
  • Make a habit of having dinner before sunset; also develop a strict schedule for food and sleep.
  • Get a humidifier for your bedroom.

Symptoms of cold

  • Scratchy throat
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cough
  • Running nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Aches
  • Mild fever
  • Headache

Ayurvedic remedies for cold

  • Mix an equal amount of tulsi leaves with dried ginger powder. This forms as a great substitute for tea and can be taken with milk and sugar. It is advisable to be had at least 3 times a day.
  • Mix a tsp of honey with 5ml of ginger juice and some tulsi leaves. Consume at least two times a day.
  • Black pepper powder mixed with jaggery works miracles when taken two times a day.
  • Fry a tiny piece of ginger in ghee and have it two times a day.
  • One tsp of turmeric powder or paste mixed in a cup of hot milk and ghee, and consumes three times a day. This speeds up the recovery process.
  • Use turmeric powder in warm water to gargle and relieve the sore throat.
  • Have a glass of warm water with two tsp of lemon juice. This will relieve the nasal catarrh.
  • Fresh juice of amla works wonders in controlling cold.

Some tips for prevention

  • Use steam to get relieved from a stuffy nose. Use a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of water then cover your head with a towel and breath the steam. Be careful not to burn your face.
  • Amla and tulsi are two powerful plants. So keep this close as it will help in improving the immune system.
  • Have a well-balanced diet and give sufficient rest to the body.
  • Keep the body cool buy venting out hot air from your living space.

By following these steps, you can recover from cough and cold symptoms.