indoor air pollution

Most of us think of big cities and smog clouds when contemplating air pollution. However, indoor air pollution can be just as prevalent and dangerous, if not more. There are a litany of instances that can cause air pollution in your home. Some can cause life threatening complications, other forms of indoor air pollution may just be an irritant and increase your risk of developing respiratory conditions.

In this article, we will explore what air pollution is and how you can ensure that you and your family are protected from its sometime devastating effects.

Most Common Forms of Indoor Air Pollution

While there are some obvious culprits of indoor air pollution like pet dander and tobacco smoke, there are some less obvious causes as well. Below, we have listed some of the less commonly talked about forms of indoor air pollution.

  • Asbestos: If you live in a home constructed before 1970, you may still have asbestos in your ceiling, paint or floor tiles. If disturbed, it can pollute your air.
  • Biological Contaminants: This can include bacteria, mold, viruses, pet dander, dust mites, etc.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds: Pollutants that are a result of paints, hair sprays, household cleaning products and cosmetics.
  • Pesticides: Any products used to control pest infestations can pollute your air.
  • Formaldehyde: This chemical is prevalent in many building materials and can easily find its way into your homes air

There are many other forms of indoor air pollutants to be cautious of. These pollutants can cause adverse health conditions and can be especially harmful to children and elderly people.

Ways Indoor Air Pollution Can Negatively Affect You

Though indoor air pollutants are typically invisible to the naked eye, they can cause major harm to your overall health. Some of the more common ways that they can affect a person are:

  • Respiratory irritation and/or inflammation
  • Cause of bronchitis, allergies, and other chronic illnesses
  • Headaches, fever, fatigue
  • Negative effects on short term memory
  • Sensitivities to other illnesses like pneumonia

As you can see, indoor air pollution is not something to take lightly. Luckily, there are a few ways to ensure that you and our family’s health are protected.

How to Combat Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air pollution like asbestos or radon, will require you to hire a professional company to rid your home of those toxins. Other air pollutants will require a change in habits, like not smoking indoors. For pollutants like pet dander, dust mites, airborne mold, bacteria, etc., having a high quality air filter can eliminate almost 100% of them. If you find it difficult to remember when you should change your filter, there are some awesome filter subscription services on the market that can help you replace your filters in a timely manner. Living in a home with children or elderly people makes indoor air pollution even more of a danger. Ensure that you take the right steps to protect yourself and loved ones.